Hopefully This Makes Sense | I didn't know what to title it | I will appreciate your comments

Published 2024-02-27

All Comments (8)
  • @lovelocked5385
    It's hard. I know to keep going though. One step at a time. I will tell my story. Had our only son attack us in October. Now we have a two year restraining order. My husband needed leg surgery because he saved me. I took care of him. Then in January my appendix burst. Was in the hospital and had a drain put in my side. Then the antibiotics messed my system up so I battled nausea for a month. It's been allot. God kept me. He didn't let me die. The infection is gone, the nausea is gone, my husband is done with therapy. We can go for walks again. We praise God that he is seeing us through. It's hard missing my son. I keep Hope alive. God can fix it. Just hold on. Blessings 💞
  • @goinghome726
    No proof needed! God is real, faith gets me through! Love always--I was just telling Anthony nothing worth anything in this world is easy but worth work and faith!
  • @RoseLynnnn
    Yes, i get what you are saying. Yes i do. Jesus wants our hearts. We come to Him in all our mess, all our discouragement, all our failures. He WANTS us to come to Him when we fail. His arms are open wide. Jesus is there when we have victories, & He is also there in our shortcomings. He is even there when we run from him. Remember Jonah. God is there when we dont see the answer to our prayer, He is there with us in our darkest moments. He is there, even when He seems silent. Thank You Jesus that you never turn us away.
  • @donna6348
    A. M. E. N!! People just need and want other people to be real. Bottom line. And thank God for those of us who are struggling for those of you who do that. You've saved our lives.
  • @Cielo1995
    Eti, so many of us are just barely hanging on.
  • @GodsChildTM
    Always hold on to your faith in God. We all have our struggles and our stories that we can tell. However, when you sit down and look back, we can usually see how God used those moments to strengthen us or to save us from something worse. The trials are sometimes used to help us grow closer to Him.❤