Stepping onto the global stage. Atarashii Gakko blow up Coachella! AJ Hartley's AG review #16

Published 2024-04-16
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All Comments (21)
  • @dlong966
    I’m not sure how I got so into AG. I was never into Anime, K-pop, or J-pop. Something about them caught my interest like no other group has done in a long time. I kept my fascination for them under wraps because I felt that being in my 50s, people would negatively judge me for liking a talented group of young women from Japan who dance and sing with energy and passion while wearing traditional Japanese school uniforms. After watching that incredible Seishun Wo Kirisaku Hado unedited dance video, I decided to see them live. So, I flew out of New Mexico to view their Seishun concert in Los Angeles in November 2023. Best concert (any concert) I’ve seen in a long time. My actions may be viewed as crazy by some people, but when greatness takes place, your heart takes control.
  • @LPow58
    I was in the middle of that crowd close to the front. When suzuka came back out and started jumping and told the crowd to start jumping, she looked like an absolute rockstar, the crowd was completely electric and energetic, and i literally got chills as i jumped along with my hands up. The roar if the crowd after they finally finished nai nai nai was so loud and appreciative, i almost started tearing up. Im so happy and proud of them
  • I was waiting for this analysis. What stood up for me was how they managed to convince all the people who were there as "sceptics", the people who where there to see what this headliner was about, and boy oh boy, they show them all. The girls stood up to the challenge and nailed it, and at the end not one in that tent was not enchanted by their charisma, jumping and dancing, filled with the joy and energy they radiate . Thank you, as always, for putting into words, in such an articulated way, the feelings of us AG fans.
  • I missed the live broadcast and did not even know about it until three days later. I was happily surprised and can't watch their performance enough. Mizyu was particularly in top form.
  • @daryl5379
    AG is phenomenal. Im an old man but refuse to buy into the oldie rubbish's and music is one of my fav outlets. Never been sick a day in my life and I think always looking for the new , the fresh helps that. I live here in CA and that was super fun to see USC marching band on stage with these princesses
  • Thank you, for your comments, I watched the show this morning on here, and I agree having only been watching them for around a year , this show was amazing the older songs , the new songs, their dancing , their singing, , brought Tears to my eyes with happiness, I loved the ending where Susuka didn't want to go and that 20 second dance they then did in the corner was brilliant, . I actually found them on here on YouTube shorts with the pineapple Kryptonite dance the do, I investigated further to who they were , and was hooked. AGs Ghostbusters theme for the Japanese market was excellent, and I watched over in New York at the premiere with the stars from the film. Ps Hi from England
  • Definitely one of their best sets that I've seen so far. Those song transitions were top notch. Felt like one long medley instead of separate songs. With that they gave fans like half an album's worth of new songs. And they all seemed so refreshed and energized. Looking at all of their social media it's clear they're having a blast especially Suzuka who I remember her saying during the Budokan concert that she was having a hard time dealing with the sudden bump in fame so I'm very glad to see they all seem genuinely happy currently.
  • Some have noticed that the ending bit might be a reference to James Brown's "Please Please Please" live performances, where he would also be dragged by his bandmates out of the stage but he would refuse and return to continue singing (they would always put his cape on like they did with Susuka)!
  • @leeburden2984
    Thank you for this, sir. Your warm and eloquent analysis made me realize that I have been having problems articulating my appreciation for these talented, hard working young ladies. Until I watched your video, I was content with saying, "Hey, check this out. They are cute as hell."
  • @petitbois2272
    教授、いつも有難うございます✨ AGは、彼女達の仲の良さ、パフォーマンスの素晴らしさ。そして、何より感情を表現できるSUZUKAの魅力的な声が好きです。 彼女達の夢でもあった初のCoachella出演なのに余裕さえ感じられ、これに向けてAGがどれだけ準備していたのか分かりました。 もう削除されてしまいましたが、昨日はフル動画も上がっていました。 そこのコメント欄には、他のアーティストを見たくて見たが、AGのライブに魅了され好きになってしまったという日本人も居ました。 偏向報道の多い国内で彼女達の努力と実力が認められてゆくのは、本当に嬉しい限りです✨ SUZUKAの英語力が上がっているのは明白で、忙しい中でも教授が贈った本で勉強が出来ているといいなと思いました😊
  • @cuttysark8017
    I think Coachella might be AG's Sonisphere, but on an even bigger scale. They even got a photo in "The Atlantic" comes "The New Yorker". ;-) They said "Atarashii Gakko" so often in the set that nobody in that tent left not knowing who they'd seen. "Arigato" was great, I loved the 1970s funk and sweeping the stage is the most basic of theatrical activities and "Forever Sisters" really sounds like it could become an anthem. Did anyone else get a "Sister Sledge" vibe from it and the call out to Money Mark at the beginning was nice. There was a technical issue with feedback at the end of CANDY and I heard Suzuka say "skip ahead" which I assume was something for the audio technicians. Anyway they didn't let it get in the way of the performance which only comes with a lot of time spent on stage dealing with such issues. That showed their confidence and professionalism. The ending to Nai Nai Nai is as reworking of the James Brown "Please Please Please" routine - which is pretty ballsy - they even used the kimono jacket in the same way that James Brown used his cloak, but it worked really well. AG are never timid!
  • @mian5890
    Excellent review, spot on. These girls are on a path of greatness. My brother wrote & produced “ Snack Time”. Brilliant, silly & discipline these girls are! Thank you so much
  • @thaiwest7660
    Im an OG who's been watching live performances for 50 years, these ladies are world class. That James Brown" dont want to leave stage" move with the cape is a homage to great stage craft. I enjoy the fun and passion that they bring to their videos, they make me smile, and you're never too old for the joy of good music that's fun.
  • I was watching a Japanese interview where the group broke character and spoke seriously like the grown women that they are. They were asked about their favorite AG song and I think it was Mizyu listed Koi Geba, because it was the first song after gaining creative control that they used their art to tackle an important subject. I had so many follow-up questions I wanted asked, especially regarding the “gained creative control”.
  • 💯Everything you said. I am an old classic rock fan (my idols are in their 80's like me) but i watch Coachella streaming to see what's new. AG was amazing! All the J-pop was but these girls blew me away! I think the world discovered them along with me at Coachella. They are a breath of fresh air, with something to say, and total rock stars.
  • the smoke on the water transition felt like it made me sentient for the first time
  • @BlazinNSoul
    Wow they even had the USC Trojans lol. Wasn't expecting that but totally killed it. Ladies came there to perform and perform they did. Great review and observations here. :)
  • @hiranarisa6080
    Very insightful review Andrew! I also wanted to bring up how hype it was when Suzuka started jumping and screaming "NAI!" after escaping the other girls' grasps in the last song. It got the whole audience jumping! It was a sight to behold!! 🤩 ATARASHII GAKKO were so amazing and I'm so glad I gave them a shot
  • @qwe1231
    You missed that in the 'Don't Wanna Go' routine at the end they were directly referencing James Brown's famous live 'cape routine' which he performed on stage from the 1950s until the beginning of this century. Check out videos here of "James Brown cape routine". AG's choreographers have some serious chops.
  • @tamatamatamako8
    初めまして! 日本人ですがこのチャンネルをきっかけに新しい学校と出会いました、ありがとうございました! 日本国内ではコーチェラに参加した他のアーティストの方が多くフューチャーされて、海外でのAG人気や彼らの実力や魅力が、伝わりにくいですね、寂しい事です。 コーチェラでの新しい学校の衣装は、日本の怖い昔話「耳なし芳一」を参考にしたのかと思っていました。 「とおりゃんせ」の昔話も、「行きにいた子どもが帰りはいない」とか、ちょっと怖い話だったためです。 でも、考えすぎかもしれませんね。 いつも深い考察をありがとうございます!