Gratitude Meditation ❤️️ 21 Day Transformation ❤️️ 432 HZ

Published 2019-07-23
Raise your vibration in mere minutes with this beautiful Gratitude Meditation - a powerful series of gratitude affirmations carefully-crafted to help you to manifest the life of your dreams. Listen to this EVERY DAY for 21 DAYS and you will see your world transform!

It is an incredibly uplifting guided meditation, which you can either choose to listen to as a closed-eye meditation or whilst you are starting/completing your day. Created in 432 HZ, these Theta binaural beats will make you feel very relaxed but conscious and open to intuitive learning - perfect for reprogramming your mind to think happy, positive thoughts more often.

Remember that it is YOUR GRATITUDE that will magnetise and maximise your power of manifestation.

➵ Start manifesting your DREAM LIFE by watching this FREE Law of Attraction video:

Enjoy and let me know in the comments how this gratitude meditation changes your life!

With love,
Jess 💕

- Please share this morning meditation with others, thank you!

- Buy your own copy of this track here:

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Music: The Essence of Peace - Theta by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio

All Comments (21)
  • 💖🙌💖If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. Wishing you this from COlorado 😍💝🙌 I LOVE you all! 😍💝🙌 I LOVE you all! 💝🙌💝
  • @msQUEENS5477
    My plan was 21 days... That’s turned into 4 months!!! Everyday never missing a beat. Let me tell you the miracles started on day 3 & haven’t let up yet. Sometimes I find myself in my yard crying & just naming things I’m grateful for. My life has seen significant changes since I discovered the power of GRATITUDE!!!! It’s the master key to unlocking the greatness life has to offer ♥️♥️. Thanks for enlightening me Jess!!!
  • @khizernawaz
    I'm on Day 7, like this so I can keep coming back
  • I started doing this on and off about a month ago. Since then, my business has soared and I've met a romantic partner. I'm choosing to remain in gratitude!
  • @dollypolly7
    Anyone reading this just know that you are on the right path in achieving all you've been desiring
  • @mikiafinley8370
    Been listening since last week...I was invited to interview for a job got offered it on the spot, 14k car issue was covered under warranty, my mood has been total peace and joy...gratitude is more than a practice
  • @baljeetkaur6784
    Can someone please like my comment so that I can come back and listen to this again. Thank you everyone here and the author of the video 🎉❤
  • Day 506 of simply playing this clip in the background as I go about my morning, and these things have happened: -New job that I love, and it just came to me -Divine new relationship -New home built by the water -I've lost 25kg -Anxiety and depression have lifted -Well being and level of contentment feels sustainable and easy now Bless you for this video xxx
  • Okay I have to add my testimony. I started this year scraping to get by. This year k underwent so much internal growth and gained so much peace. I turned my attention to finances and decided to study the energy of money and realized it was really the energy of abundance I needed to study. Everything I listened to or read emphasized gratitude as the energy to attract abundance. I then “stumbled” on to this video (I don’t believe in coincidences). I did this everyday for a two week period and landed a six figure job. We are so much more powerful than we think we are
  • @radhaagr8787
    Returning to this again, unfortunately I forgot about it Plz like it everyday so I will keep reminding to come here
  • Beautiful 🙏 who else finds themselves saying “I love you too Jess” at the end?!:))
  • @msallyntalkin
    This is year 3 now! I listen in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before bed! I have seen so many blessings I can’t count them all🙏🏾. I have also been able to bless others. Thanks so much Jess for helping me on my daily gratitude journey.
  • @mochamamat886
    4/18/2024 - Today is the first day that I found this video. I realized that I haven’t been experiencing much joy. I’m not angry or sad just apathetic. Thank you for this video. I’ve read so many of the comments that I’m looking forward to listening for 21 days. I want to finally enjoy my life even though I’m in my 50s. I believe it’s not too late. 😊
  • You're the first and only person who says : I love you ❤️ to me every day!! 🙏😇
  • @JuarezWeiss
    This video really changed my life. Since I started listening to this video everyday (been a couple months now), I left a toxic relationship, got an amazing job, started saving money (something that I never managed to do in my whole life), moved to an amazing apartment close to the sea and naturally re-worked my network of friends to people attuned with gratitude and self-work attitudes. I'm in the best moment of my life and I'm so thankful for everything. It's really interesting how this video helps rewire your brain into looking at things and opportunities from a gratitude perspective, instead of focusing on anything negative. Being thankful almost implies you already have what you're thankful for. This is indeed a very powerful video. Thank you, Jess <3
  • I’m a grumpy 50yo man and have just listened to this today for the first time. This is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever heard. I literally couldn’t stop crying through the whole thing. Thank you 🥹👍
  • This video is like that one person you met and now you can't even imagine life without them or even remember how life was without them🥹 Gratitude for this video Jess❤️🙏🏾
  • @SageRose777
    I’ve been listening to this for about 2 weeks and I absolutely love it. It really made me realize how much gratitude changes your life. I know I’ll be listening for more than 21 days! Thank you 🙏 💞
  • @lindamash9497
    Has someone already said it?👀 THANK U FOR THIS MEDITATION. 😍