Jesus, Gender Dysphoria & the Transgender Movement // Controversial Jesus // Pastor Josh Howerton

Published 2023-05-08

All Comments (21)
  • Pastor Josh, I feel your love and God's love shining through you for your flock and for all. Thank you for this message. As one set free in Him I agree whole heartedly.
  • @donawyo
    I loved this. Thank you for your great explanation. I hadn’t thought of it quite that way. This is the first video I have ever seen from you. Thank you for being a faithful man of God. Your church is blessed.
  • Pastor Josh, this was a beautiful sermon and so well put together. Your care and compassion to find the facts, to love the people whom you are preaching to; God bless you. I am full of the emotion and love that you presented here. God bless you. <3
  • @Thundralight
    Galatians 3:28 ► There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
  • @motherrockin
    I love that you quoted Kara Dansky. You’ve really done your research and this is a fantastic message! I hope it gets shared far and wide. I found it because it was shared in a group for parents of trans / nb identified children. Our group is questioning and challenging, not affirming, so we really enjoyed this!!
  • @FRN2013
    The part about the eunuch, WOW. Great insight. May our God continue to bless your ministry, Josh!
  • @Dave-if5qj
    The Is the best message I've ever heard on This issues being biblical and full Of grace and compassion
  • @suzanne8637
    Don't bring your mind in alignment with your physical body. Bring it in alignment with Jesus. We live in a fallen world, a lot about our physiology can be deformed.