Elden Ring — How to Break the Game With Magic

Published 2022-03-08

All Comments (21)
  • @RaylaEclipse
    Reminder that however you play/beat the game, even if it's with an OP build, is still valid. Don't let the maidenless nerds tell you otherwise.
  • @thaearthquake
    Going full mage was pain starting off until I found meteorite staff & rock sling. Then, I became the boss battle for them.
  • @NoMoreBots
    Bad news everyone, the 1.04 patch shot a crucial part of this build in the foot. The infinite fp tear now only lasts 5 seconds instead of the 10-15 it used to be, meaning comet azur can’t be used like it was before. Update: I mistakingly thought that the shortened duration was intentional, turns out that wasn’t supposed to happen. Even then, until it’s reverted this build will be much less effective. Update#2: The infinite fp tear is back to it’s full glory, everyone.
  • @MaskofFayt
    Some bonus advice for the abandoned cave with this build is to grab the Two Fingers Heirloom to get your faith up to 12 and get Flame, Cleanse Me to be able to heal the rot the dungeon is filled with if you're struggling to bum rush the area
  • @SonicHaXD
    I like how both you and Vati are trying to break the game early XD
  • @9outof10
    This video totally opened the game up for me -- definitely for the better. Thank you! Having Rock Sling and the dragon rune farm early basically re-balances the game.
  • @bizbarley74
    One very important note, that very few people seem to know about, and could be worth restarting your game, is that you can repeatedly kill the sleeping dragon for infinite runes without killing a single boss or even enemy. 50,000 a pop right off the bat, or 70,000 with the golden scarab, which requires killing a boss. However, the foot will not work with this trick. What you need to do is get the dragon down to almost no health, then summon torrent for the last few hits so you can move quickly, as soon as the final blow is struck, you need to haul ass back to the site of grace in less than 10 seconds, immediately rest, and if done correctly, you will get all the runes and the dragon will not despawn. This is working as of January 13th, 2023. Even at the very beginning of the game you should be able to kill the dragon in about 10 minutes, worst case scenario, probably less. But lets just say 10 minutes. 10 minutes = 50,000-70,000 souls, so 50,000 -70,000 x 6 = 300,000-420,000 per hour. A bit later in the game you can spec your stats into a strong bleed build and get this down to about 2 minutes, I've been able to get 5,000,000-6,000,000 souls per hour using this trick and after some practice, I can reach the grace every time. After you get to the desired level, simply respec your stats back to your desired build. So as you can imagine, given that you can do this at most characters starting level, fighting no bosses at all, you can get to a very high level early, get strong enough to get the ability to respec early and collect bleed spells and items to hasten the process, kill the dragon over and over and reach the 125 meta in an afternoon, instead of weeks. Stock up on some tears and you can try out a bunch of different weapons and builds in a single playthrough early if you want to see what kind of character you like best and then progress your journey. I really wish I knew this my first time playing. Just be sure to back up your save before killing the dragon, so if you mess up the timing, you are not screwed. This is simple on the PC and PS (via cloud save or usb), however, Xbox users are pretty much out of luck and need to get it perfect every time unless you can close the app before auto save. Cheers.
  • @anonssr9514
    In case you didn't know, you can dual-wield staves and get the bonuses from both. For example, use your +10 staff in one hand to use its magic scaling and keep the meteorite staff in your other hand to boost rock sling. In the same vein, you can keep a glinstone based staff in your other hand to boost the lil' swords. It's a very noticeable damage increase at basically no-cost and far far less annoying than switching to the jelly shield for that boost.
  • @Cyndarion0ne
    I like how Pineapple missed that the "redfeather" was literally the Morion blade/a version of the morion blades design, and it had rtsr effect. Cool how the devs put that back in another game. We can never truly escape clever rats + morion meta, can we?
  • @something7959
    Iron Pineapple I found your channel a few days ago and I love your soulaborne content and I just wanted to thank you for teaching me this boss one shooting magic build. This made elden ring so much easier for me. And also thank you for entertaining me with such amazing and fun soulsborne content.
  • @godzillawarfare
    This increased my enjoyment of the game exponentially. Thank you!
  • @dragothica4925
    Using the "Meme Beam" onto one of the mid-game bosses is something every person should experience at least once. It's some sweet justice.
  • @feonor26
    I did not know the magic glintblade could be cast multiple times in a row. Made things so much easier for me....thanks!
  • @AeonsTear
    Dude. I finally got the time to finish Elden Ring so I can finally watch all your videos on it. Stoked :D
  • @knucklejoe8
    If you want the melee equivalent of this build, go North-West of the "Fallen Ruins of the Lake" grace in Liurnia Lake and find the chest that contains the Icerind Hatchet. To use it, level up to 16 DEX (or start as Warrior), two hand it, and spam the Hoarfrost Stomp skill, which will shred almost every boss in the game with minimal investment. Have fun!
  • @kurtgaudi362
    Don't worry when the rock sling doesn't make much damage on the Crystalians. You have to hit them 2-3 times before the damage gets way higher. You can also run through the whole cave to the boss mist, dodge a few casts and perhaps kill the last two guys after the wooden door to restore some health. Send in your ghost troops and kill those crystuckers ;D
  • @itskylehale
    This very was absolutely fantastic. I’m late game level 140 and didn’t even know about the comet azur. Game changing. Thank you!!
  • @jameshe6868
    just started playing weeks ago. i certainly don't have the patience to do all the challenges but its awesome watching these videos. Please make more!