Published 2018-06-14
hello guys ! im so sorry guys for the very late upload i've been super duper busy buat persiapan for raya and baru sempat edited this video :(
I hope you guys enjoy this video and show some love ! since its hari raya hehe , thank you ! xoxo


All Comments (21)
  • Im A MUA and she gves correct makeup tips but i add on ok, even after u apply loose powder all over yr face it is better to put Compact powder 'again' on top on yr loose powder with a loose brush. so it will last longer 😊😊 love that natural look ❀️❀️
  • @eva161106
    Adik ni even x pakai makeup pun dah mmg cute & cantik clear skin..mostly guna produk yg affordable & blh beli dkt watson but still hasilnya nmpk gorgeous
  • @stynrshda903
    suka sgt,bila tengok tutorial makeup camilia.. sebab dlm mse u buat your tutorial makeup but u still ajar cara-cara utk pakai setiap product(do and don't) for who yg tak tahu nak makeup.. but nak try makeup. i sanggup tengok tutorial ni even lame mcam mane pun,but still tngok,coz your prettier ,and your tips yang berguna ,love it! .. i love you ,camilia. πŸ’• n happy eid mubarak🌷
  • @cikmawar
    YaAllah, the confident rakam dekat gini sebab muka memang flawless, omg. I WANT TOOOO
  • I don’t know why i tengok vid ni sekarang. Dah la background lagu raya πŸ˜‚ excited pulak nak raya
  • @maziams5263
    its kinda rare tengok people bg tutorials using drugstores.most of it using high end and not affordable for beginners.thumbs up!love it camilia
  • @sweetangelx320
    Dia ni funny laa suka pulak aku tgok even lama gilaa..haha
  • @diktmals
    Ugh out of all the other famous Malay makeup youtubers, you're defo my fave. Your looks are always so pretty, like I don't know how to say it. It's eye-catching, but manage to look so light and simple you know. Watching your videos make me feel so happy for some reason. I love pretty girls ugh <3
  • @nhidayahhh
    Pretty!!😍😍 LOVE YOU'RE TUTORIALπŸ’–πŸ’– and Selamat Hari Raya
  • @farahmiyya6730
    Suka sangat tengok vid u. Takde skip langsung , bila i baca baca komen baru perasan org cakap vid u half an hour πŸ˜‚ teruskan buat video πŸ’• such a pretty face of u
  • @simazz8408
    tak minat sgt tutorial makeup tpi tgok dia ni jadi minat lak sebab explain faham, kaki futsal tengok makeup oi!!! HAHAHAHAH
  • @ezzankmrzmn
    girl with a brain ! banyak sgt dpt tips dari video ni. love it girl :)
  • @missfiqa91
    I super loveee this look! Thanks for this lengthy descriptive tutorial! And you looks soo gorgeous girl! Slayyy
  • The way cami pkai makeup and bring makeup stuff dlm beg just same like i do, airin da tgk vd ni 2 kali, mmg betul tips2 yg cami bagi, sbb airin buat dlm daily makeup jgk , bawak eyelash curler tu, even beg kecik pon airin bawak, nice 😘😘😘😘😘😘
  • before this x tau plk yg klu pakai blush x le senyum..No wonder my make up gone wrong and really bad. Thank for the video. I really love it.
  • @inez1261
    I like ur look! Btw can't wait til puasa comes!
  • finally I jumpa juga tutorial make up yang I cari selama ni. natural, simple. yang lain bukan tak cantik, tapi yang satu ni memang sangat2 cantik dan sangat2 simple. sesuai dengan orangnya yang comel. hehehe.
  • @aidarahman9543
    Nampak sangat u ikhlas bagi tip tutorial make up dengan mudah untuk orang yAng baru nak kenal dunia makeup..Tq adik..Banyak2 akak belajar kat YouTube yang kau paling berkesan