Morning Sun Mongolian and Tibetan factions

Published 2016-11-28

All Comments (9)
  • @zenoknights4280
    Do you have older versions of this mod? I really enjoyed 3.1 at first but I decided to quit after the crashes. The rest of Northern Korea and Northern Asia as a whole is broken. It crashes every time I attack a settlement and armies in the North. I thought that my Tokugawa Campaign had a bug so I tried Joseon campaign instead but when I attacked an enemy settlement at the north, the game still crashes.
  • @finnishboo4192
    Hello i know this is a 4 year old video but i found your mod very cool and would like to ask if the mod is Multiplayer campaing compatible? Probably not but i havent found anything sayin it isnt or is please help also sorry for my bad english
  • @Gnourt0n
    When will this version of the Morning Sun Mod be uploaded to the Steam Workshop?
  • Tibet in moring sun? I didnt know that.. are they have unique armor or somthing?
  • @Vertlin
    Once it reaches a certain amount of turns the game crashes during the end turn sequence making it impossible to progress.
  • @voran5691
    hey bro, i downloaded the 3.1 version but its just like vainilla, any suggestions?