Dona Drake the African American who fooled the world.. was it worth it?

Published 2024-01-18

All Comments (21)
  • Honestly...u can see her black features even though she was able to pass. Just freaking beautiful.
  • @lilchubbers
    her leading a white band and tricking everyone was lowkey a power move😭
  • @rjs2595
    "Hollywood is a movie of it's own". Well said! So true.
  • @LibbyEdwards100
    My grandmother had an opportunity to passed for white but she loved being a black woman and wanted to live in her truth! I salute her for telling me never be ashamed of who you’re.
  • Passing is not always a matter of being ashamed of your heritage, but a means to make a better life for you, your relatives, and your children/descendents.
  • @LaDonnaMcKinney
    I have never heard of Dona Drake. She is Beautiful. Thank you for putting this together. Specially by it being black history. 365 BLACK ❤
  • We only ever hear about Dorothy Dandridge. I was given Dorothy's biography by my black mom as a teenager, to reinforce confidence in my mixed heritage as one of only three black girls at an all white high school. To be truthful I was lucky. My classmates considered me one of their own, were uniquely inclusive and never made me feel otherized. It's wonderful to know their were many other afro-descended actresses trying to stake their claim in Hollyweird and so, so very sad she had to wear a white mask to do it. Look how beautiful and talented she was. I remember it was very, very important to both my black mother and white father (Civil Rights advocates) that my sister and I, NOT try to pass as anything other than exactly who we were. We were made to watch the film "Imitation of Life" many times, I guess to warn us that denial of our racial identity would only lead to regret.
  • Marilyn put herself on the line for Ella Fitzgerald refusing to enter a club unless Ella was able to walk through the front door and not through the kitchen.
  • @tritri0079
    My grandmother told me this was a norm. I remember we went to a family reunion and I was like “mom who these white folks” it tickled her so much!!! She was “Gal these black folks”. Lol fooled the hell out of me 😂😂😂😂
  • @riamoreland7738
    I understand, my grandmother on my mother’s side was half black/half white. Back when they had colored and white restroom at filling stations(gas station) with my grandmother we went in to use the bathroom and my grandmother stopped and pause as if not knowing which bathroom to go to and the white man ask her what was wrong she said I am trying to figure out which one to go to. The white man behind the counter told my grandmother that she could go to either one of the bathrooms she wanted to go to. I will never forget that I am 77 years old now . A lot of things happen that was kept hinden back in those days. I did a DNA with African ancestry and found out that I am 100% match to a maternal woman of indigenous ancestry on my mother side who would not talk to me about it b4 she died. SECRETS I am going to find out my heritage.
  • Her dance moves alone gave credence to her ethnicity!. Thanks for the video, keep up the good work!
  • @russelldavis6405
    What a stunning woman. It is such a shame that she had to hide her true identity to be successful.
  • @milesfolley6840
    I ain't mad at her. She had to do what she had to do. Much respect.
  • I'm so happy that you have these videos...I'm 61 and NEVER heard about these ladies. Such sad stories.!
  • @jazzymoni7750
    Several years ago I auditioned for X-Factor. I made it to the 3rd round of auditions and a few of the staff came into the room where about 300 of us were waiting, and told us that we needed to come up with our back story to impress the judges. They also told us the more emotional we were, the better. People literally started "testing" out fake sad stories with each other and sharing techniques on how to cry. I felt like I was in the Matrix on Mars. When I got in the room with the judges, sang, and then shared by normal life and I was immediately rejected. I sang well but my story didn't grab them. Oh well. 🤷🏽‍♀️😭😭
  • @starlooker6612
    So much beauty back then and the CLOTHES! OMG THE CLOTHES were BEAUTIFUL!
  • I honor her for persevering & Chasing her dreams as such a beautiful & talented young lady who worked hard & earned every penny,God.Bless her Soul