The Beautiful Sadness of Freaks and Geeks

Published 2020-07-13

All Comments (21)
  • when high schoolers in shows actually looked like high schoolers
  • @ubidoo9906
    It's funny how they said "these actors aren't moviestar material" when many of them went on to be in huge hit films.
  • @Jim-Mc
    Beautiful show. Not an ounce of cynicism. Sad and funny and real, but never mocking or cynical. Also, Lindsay and Sam have the best TV parents ever. When Linday asks her dad why he isn't as cool with them as he is with Nick, he says it's because Nick's father is a hard man, and he knows what that's like because so was his. Lindsay replies something like: "I know what that's like too," and Mr. Weir just says: "No you don't." And it just hangs there because she immediately knows it's true. Damn.
  • @brojennan5758
    I feel like no one evert talks about Alan, that scene with bill is effectively in a coma and him breaking down and talking about he would love to join their group but he’s afraid of it damaging his reputation and he’s obsessed with looking like a cool, tough bully. The part of the episode where they are all dressed up in costumes and he sits on his bike wanting to go over but decides against it speaks volumes. Great writing. Great show.
  • @abieleviciute
    Never realised how sad this show actually is; it always had this comedic veil
  • @gone7591
    every teenager needs to watch this before highschool. i’m glad my dumbass self stubbled upon it when i was like 13
  • @ellerose2928
    can't believe it was canceled after only one season
  • @MariaKenzo
    Did yall know John Daley who played Sam Weir was one of the writers of Spiderman: Homecoming and guess who played Peter Parkers teacher? Martin Starr, who played Bill. Also, the actor of Neal was literally in a Quentin Tarantino movie. These Geeks are icons.
  • @jn2263
    I love how there’s no 1 dimensional characters. Each main character has at least one episode which is pretty much dedicated to them and their story. When I first started watching I assumed that Kim would just be a mean asshole for the whole series with no reason behind her actions. The same goes for Allen, I loved how we got a look into why he is the way he is and how he isn’t just a bully for the sake of being a bully like characters in other shows.
  • @Amins88
    I think you really undersold the ending of that episode Lindsay helps Daniel cheat. Linda really did a great job showing how emotionally overwhelmed Lindsay was at that point. Watching her face go from fear to hysterical laughter as soon as she realized Daniel was full of shit was perfection and probably one of my favorite points in the show!
  • One of my all time favorite shows by far. It sucks that it was canceled, but there's definitely some beauty in it. The lack of resolution and answers as to what happened to these characters let's our imagination run wild. I certainly believe Apatow would have done this series justice in later seasons, but great things come in small packages. And this package is perfectly wrapped with a beautiful bow on top. It'll forever be a gem.
  • @bagels0628
    Best scene in the whole show is when Daniel finds Ken “making fun of the band geeks” then delivers that “tuba girl” line😭
  • @benfleming6936
    The final scene with Lindsay and nick is heartbreaking. Both love each other but their paths are separating they can’t be together.
  • @Francisbosh
    You talking and analyzing Daniel's character really made me sad to see the hard truth with his future but that last bit of hope with the film projector really mad me smile. Thanks.
  • @heyheyhey7988
    It truly is a genius show. Its so subtle in its reality. And it breaks my heart in so many ways but not in these large dramatic ways but in small realistic quiet ways
  • @jennacuna3674
    This show is incredible and an actually great depiction of real life high school.
  • @lyricsronen
    One of the most devastating turning points in the show for me was the very sad scene in which Lindsay finds Mr. Rosso trying to get into his locked car. Up until this point Mr. Rosso was able to maintain his forcefully peppy school councilor persona, but now he's extremely upset and Lindsay gets to see his true self, which appears to be exactly the same as the rest of the freaks: a struggling rebel who has no clue what he's doing and is facing the consequences of his failures. It is also the scene that includes some of the most era-related cultural commentary, outlining the death of the spirit of the 60's and the return of conservative and traditionalist ideals in America. I think what makes this scene very powerful is that the superficial boundary between councilor and student is broken and now it's just two sad and frustrated people who are losing faith in their fate.
  • @heyheyhey7988
    I loved the episode where Kim hit Milly's dog and it died. It showed that Kim is the type of person that loves animals deeply and its because she has been hurt by people. Also, Kim says something about how her step dad needs to be careful because she has so much dirt on him. It was never mentioned again but it seems like he has probably hurt her or something.