Mulla Sadra & Islamic Existentialism

Published 2022-09-25
This has been one of the most requested videos on the channel since its inception, so it is finally time to talk about Mulla Sadra.

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Music by Filip Holm

Sources/Recommended Reading:

Adamson, Peter (ed.) (2005). “The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy”. Cambridge University Press.

Chittick, William (1998). "The Self-Disclosure of God: Principles of Ibn al-'Arabi's Cosmology". State University of New York Press.

Kalin, Ibrahim (2005). “Knowledge in later Islamic Philosophy: Mulla Sadra on Existence, Intellect and Intuition”. Oxford University Press.

Meisami, Sayeh (2013). “Mulla Sadra”. Makers of the Muslim World Series. OneWorld Academic.

Sadr al-din al-Shirazi (2014). “Metaphysical Penetrations: A Parallel English-Arabic text”. Translated by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Edited by Ibrahim Kalin. Islamic Translation Series. University of Chicago Press.

Sadr al-din al-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) (2003). “The Elixir of the Gnostics: A Parallel English-Arabic text”. Translated by William Chittick. Islamic Translation Series. University of Chicago Press.

Sadr al-din al-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) (1981). “The Wisdom of the Throne: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra”. Translated by James W. Morris. Princeton University Press.

Rizvi, Sajjad H. (2009). “Mulla Sadra and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being”. Routledge.

Rustom, Mohammed (2013). “The Triumph of Mercy: Philosophy and Scripture in Mulla Sadra”. State University of New York Press.

0:00 Intro
2:15 The Life of Mulla Sadra
6:22 The Transcendent Wisdom & Writings
9:13 Influnces
10:44 The Primacy & Oneness of Being (Wujud)
15:47 The Gradation of Being
19:57 Unity vs. Diversity
21:38 Philosophy or Mysticism?
23:12 Mulla Sadra & Sufism/Irfan
25:05 The Unity of the knower and the known
26:28 Substantial motion
29:15 Eternity of the world & Resurrection
34:34 Conclusions

#Philosophy #Islam #Mysicism

All Comments (21)
  • @aasemahsan
    Early life and education Teaching his ideas 6:22 Prominent works 8:14 Philosophical ideas •Wujud over Mahiyya •Gradation of Wujud 19:57 Mulla Sadra's distinction between Creator & Created 21:40 Difference between Mulla Sadra & Ibn Arabi 23:09 Relationship with Sufism 26:29 Substantial Motion 29:16 Eternity of the universe
  • Your channel has inspired me to further explore metaphysics and my own spirituality. As a former atheist (primarily due to ignorance), my quality of life has only changed for the better.
  • I really liked the content. As a student born in Isfahan, I had the opportunity to learn these concepts from the students of the students of the … students of Sadra. Everything was so good that I can barely add anything to the content. Thanks.
  • I learn so much more about my own faith through your channel. Thank you!
  • @MadnSad
    A new window opened with this sweeping survey of Islamic philosophy. I’m already steeped in the Vedic philosophy and now pleasantly surprised to discover how common and unified is human thought. Those who see only differences should encourage the music of debate harmonised by tolerance rather than stifling creative discourse in pursuit of conformity.
  • This is an incredible video... the way you convey such complex concepts in a non native language no less, so effortlessly, so facile.. brilliant work! I'm Persian and versed in the topic and can attest you're doing and excellent work of understanding and conveying it, not only are you very well versed but you're a beautiful teacher.. thank you for the work you're doing and what you're putting out in the world! Also how is your Arabic pronunciation so good!!!
  • Iranian islamic scholars ( and to certain extent all thinkers ) have alwys been heavily influenced by the Aristotelian logical system therefore Iranian ( Persian) thinkers even their mystics have tended to create organised systematic theories .
  • A video on Hussein Ibn Ali please? He is a personality who is often not spoken about but his contribution to Islam is quite significant.
  • God bless you filip for this (potentially) amazing video of my favorite scholar of all time
  • May Allah rest him in peace. The great man who makes us possible to know God because this era of the intellectual insurgency, it's hard to remain in mind. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad & His Progeny .
  • @qp.0il
    Bro, I'm a 18yr Arabian man, I had studied Islamic philosophy, logic, kalam ( كلام ) and hikma ( حكميات ) all by myself since I was 13. I had literally spend over 200 hours of audio lessons and Lectures with several sheikhs about mulla sadra and his philosophy, and I'm soooooooooooooo impressed of your ability to understand mulla sadra philosophy and giving it such great explanation, great job man. The only thing that bothered me, is the misunderstanding of some of both mulla sadra and ibin arbi philosophy, specifically the one about unity. Although it's might be because of translation? IDK. "Sorry about the grammar mistakes 😅"
  • @xmarinelifex
    “There are many other aspects of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy and theology that could be explored, but we would be here all day.” I’m ok with that
  • After having watched your video I became interested in doing a deeper dive and I just have to say; you are certainly my favorite lecturer, perhaps because you have the benefit of being able to edit, but I think you've done a marvelous job summarizing key points in such a short time.
  • @salmanban05
    This is a phenomenal channel. I hope you are able to share this knowledge for a long time to come.
  • Fantastic work. Mulla Sadra’s cosmology on the afterlife reminds me a lot of Dante’s, and I mean that as a very high compliment. Your channel is such a great, accessible introduction to so many great minds and souls.
  • Hey Filip, thanks for the instructive video, I have occasionally been reading about Sadra's work over the past three years. I used to surf youtube for videos about Sadra's work and there was no interesting video. Recently I searched again and came across this video. The materials are explained clearly and lead us to more questions worth following. I can't wait to see the other videos you suggested about Avicenna, Ibn Arabi, and Suhrawardi to delve into the matter more.
  • I’ve been excited for this video for nearly a year 😢 Thank you for your efforts Fiilip ! God bless !
  • @yusefnj9319
    what an amazing video !!! one of my most anticipated and it delivered ! feel like you could make multiple videos on Mulla Sadra. Great stuff !
  • Incredible video, high quality content. Your work is precious!
  • this is one of the most interesting channels on YT, I've been subscribed for a long time and i can't get enough from your knowledge