Cassidy Hutchinson weighs in on new charges against former boss Mark Meadows

Published 2024-04-24
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins speaks with Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Mark Meadows who testified in front of Congress as a part of its investigation into January 6, about the new indictment in Arizona filed against Meadows and other associates of former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News

All Comments (21)
  • Cassidy Hutchinson has more guts than 95% of these men in republican party, what's so bad is she's a young woman not someone who has been in public office alot of years
  • @Hummingbird50
    Cassidy Hutchinson is a class act with integrity and values. Thank you for telling the truth.
  • @niclewis9610
    Is Ginni Thomas and the Republican Congressmen some of the redacted names? If they aren't they SHOULD be. Hold them accountable.
  • @ChicagoJ351
    Something tells me Fox News viewers won’t even know this happened.
  • Now that's an honest American citizen, a patriot, a true public servant, and a person of integrity, ....oh an one brave individual. Kudos Cassidy.
  • If Trump doesn't spend the rest of his life in prison, there is no justice in America. Trump is a national embarrassment!
  • @auntiepha8343
    Daily reminder: "A president isn't a king and the plaintiff isn't the president." - D.C. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan
  • @satori3000
    How is Hutchinson the most articulate and seemingly intelligent person I've heard speak from that administration?
  • @SocraticMutt
    Trump's inability to accept a loss shows his lack of character and his supporters' gullibility.
  • I am constantly impressed with Cassidy Hutchinson. Her maturity and genuine goodness come through when she speaks.
  • Hold Ginni and Thomas accountable for their egregious crimes.
  • @Jogie100
    We Arizonans have waited a long time for this
  • @charlesw9875
    Cassidy Hutchinson has more respect for Mark Meadows than he deserves.