Stand Your Ground: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2021-05-16
John Oliver takes a look at why “stand your ground” laws were created, who they protect, and, crucially, who they don’t.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Devonimp
    Listening to the guy who argued with the 911 dispatcher.... all I can think of is the number of times I've had to break into my own house because I lost my keys, and the fact I never really introduced myself to my neighbors. If the cops show up, I can explain myself. If Mr. Shotgun over there gets on an adrenaline rush from his hard-on at the prospect of murdering me.... I'm dead.
  • @bsmonsiv
    Last two weeks at 16 year old male was shot for knocking on wrong door, 20 year old woman was shot for driving in wrong driveway, Texas cheerleader shot for accidentally going to wrong car and a 6 year old girl (and her parents) shot at when she retrieved her ball that rolled on to neighbor’s property. Too many people feel threatened and pull out their guns in situations that are not threatening just simple mistakes. Law terminology should be changed from “stand your own ground” to “shoot first and ask questions later.”
  • @JH-zu7jz
    When you start calm and then get angry and begin citing laws to the operator you are NOT fearing for your life, youve rationalized murder to yourself and made sure to justify it to the operator and then got frustrated when the operator told him to stand down. thats not fear, thats desire to do harm because he felt he could. Period. I have more faith in the humanity of those desperate enough to rob a house....
  • @pengmaeda9908
    “They came towards you, you shot them” “Yes sir” Autopsy Shows they were shot in the back DOUBT
  • @BaznadTypo
    South Park had an episode with hunters screaming "THEYRE COMING RIGHT AT US!" every time they wanted to shoot something they werent allowed to. Makes me think of that. That episode is from 1999.
  • @kiyoko5523
    He was in "fear for his life" while he goes out of his way to approach the two victims.
  • @ruslanart8734
    "Learn the skills to legitimize your kills" fantastic line
  • @ILuvAyeAye
    That 911 operator is a saint. I know it didn't work, but patiently and compassionately telling someone not to shoot someone 14 times sounds really hard.
  • It's literally called "Stand You Ground" law... Not, "Walk to my Neighbours with a Shotgun" law
  • @cyberlord64
    "They came at you" Aaaah yes, the burglars must have been proficient in the back fighting martial arts where they try to attack you by running towards you and blocking your gun with the back of their heads... A true American hero this man is...
  • @mukkaar
    So, dude went out of his way to murder people and he was not charged?? What planet is this? There should be zero possiblity to even stand your ground law to apply to this. Fact that it does is even more scary than the law itself
  • @jacobwilske5665
    Imagine how that 911 operator felt. Someone basically asked him for permission to commit a double homicide 14 times, and after 14 denials the man did it anyways, only to be lauded as a hero. That’s something hard to not feel guilt about.
  • @tc2241
    “They came at you” “Yes sir” Audio: confronted burglars at neighbors house Autopsy: both men shot in back
  • This entire episode reminded me of when I worked at Walmart. Start of the pandemic, I had the lovely "easy job" of telling people they had to put on a mask. I got to see an altercation so stupid, I became a proponent for stricter gun laws. This lady swung into the lot going too fast and nearly hit a guy. He walked up after they parked and shouted "What the fuck!? You almost hit me!" And she immediately pulled a gun and said "I feel threatened!" Thankfully he ran, and the cops were called soon after. Nothing happened to her of course, and she then walked into the store like nothing happened. EDIT: Since people seem to be missing the point I will clarify. I don't think a man being rightfully angry, and shouting at someone, should be grounds to instantly draw a deadly weapon. Had he banged on the window, or acted violent, I would understand, but he stood a good distance from the door, and waved a hand to get her attention. He was upset, but not being an active threat. And if that is all it would take for you to draw a gun as well? Then you are sad, and shouldn't own a gun. Guns are a far bigger escalation than an angry shout.
  • @kellyramon8506
    That applause from the crowd bone-chilling.
  • @GregTom2
    Can I just say the dispatcher did a good job trying to discourage that guy from shot-gunning these two people in the back? I hope he doesn't feel guilty about the outcome, he did what he could.
  • @J0eMega
    I don’t get how that one dude was protected under the Stand Your Ground law. Doesn’t that 911 call contain enough evidence that he wasn’t in fear for his life, and the murder was premeditated?
  • @blue3media
    I'm saying this as a gun owner, someone who has been around firearms since I was old enough to carry a 22 rifle: This is totally insane. I really don't understand how we can legally allow someone who was not under any direct physical threat to take it upon himself to grab a gun, leave the security of his home, and execute two unarmed human beings for a non-violent property crime. Since when do we execute people for burglary? Totally, totally in the wrong here. What kind of a coward shoots people in the back? "Stand your Ground" laws just enable people to legally comit homicide and create any justification they like afterwards. How the fuck do you legally codify "in fear for my life"? This guy had no reason whatsoever to believe that his life was under any kind of...I don't know...mortal peril.
  • @Kya10
    The guy who called 911 wasn't in fear of.. anything. He went to his neighbours' house. His NEIGHBOURS. Not his own house. He went out of his way, putting himself in danger, just to play the hero and kill bad guys. He had nothing TO defend; he wasn't even attacked... Dude just wanted to be a hero and/or kill people.