Memorial Day Toast to my brother Bob and to those whose lives he saved

Published 2022-05-30
Every Memorial Day I think of my older brother Bob, his humor and kindness, his sensitivity and strength, how he used to read to me from the Tarzan books we both loved when I was ill as a kid. I can still hear his voice.

And I think of how, in the Army, at the age of 19, he put himself in harm’s way and gave his life to save the lives of every man in his squad.

I think of Bob, and I miss him very much.

I also think of those men whose lives he saved. I like to think they did good in the world. I like to picture some of them helping someone with their groceries. I don’t know why. It’s just an image I like to have. I hope that some of them raised healthy, happy families. I picture them and their kids and grandkids, running through sprinklers, like we used to do when we were kids. I like to imagine I can hear their laughter.

I know Bob, and I know that every good thing in those men’s lives, and every good thing they did for their families and their communities are what Bob would have wanted for them. I know that.

And all of us who benefit from all of those who put themselves in harms way, so we can do our good in the world, is what Memorial Day means to me.

I can’t think of a good greeting for Memorial Day. Nothing seems to fit.

But I thought of a toast that’s meaningful to me.

To Those Who Gave Their Lives, and To Those Whose Lives Were Saved, To All The Good They Can Now Do, Because Their Lives Were Saved, By Those Who Gave Their Lives.

Thank You Bob,

-- Your brother Ken --

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