The Horrible Things North Korean Soldiers Have to Go Through

Coming up are some of the horrible things North Korean soldiers have to go through.
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コメント (21)
  • I was in the army and spent 18 months in S. Korea and the border of N. Korea. One of the big things (for us at least) was the yellow dust and pollution that would drift over from China. Sometimes we weren’t allowed outside because the air was so dangerous. When I was on the DMZ I somehow managed to get a picture (I always had a camera with a good zoom on me) of a N. Korean soldier. When you zoomed in you could see that his uniform was way too big for him and he was extremely malnourished. You could also see huge calluses on his knuckles.
  • @HoloTap
    It's shocking me that someone can manage a country like this and still feel proud of himself...
  • It's crazy how one man can rule over millions into misery, but the millions do not have the guts to overthrow the one person responsible for their misery.
  • Imagine being a North Korean soldier and seeing how the South Korean military lives.
  • It is heartbreaking that the North Koreans have to suffer like this and Kim Jong Un has everything he wants. 😠😔
  • Being born in North Korea is the definition of life not being fair
  • A North Korean man who defected now lives in the US had trouble finding a job but wanted to save money so he only ate potatoes for three months straight. That's how accustomed he was at eating ONLY potatoes for long periods. It was so natural for him that he had no trouble feeling sick from eating the same food over and over again. It wasn't a potato soup or a potato based dish. It was literally just potatoes steamed until cooked. Three months! That was the only thing he ate and he was content with it and it didn't even bother him at all.
  • This was just so incredibly sad. Life is such a lottery, the country you are born in can enable you to be the very best, give you the best chances or be the complete opposite. If they try to escape then their families suffer dreadfully, it's just so damn horrible 😔
  • @Voidyx123
    Kim Jung Un: 😁 Literally every single people in North Korea including soldiers: 💀😭
  • @alexhale2696
    I'm in the US Army and was stationed in South Korea twice(I chose to do so and loved it). I worked along KATUSAs and made a friend with one of them that I still talk to. If I'm correct, ROK soldiers (who are also drafted) have to do 2yrs of service and afterward return for a couple of weeks of training every year until reaching a certain age. But even in the ROK Army, they don't get paid well. As KATUSA soldiers, I believe my friend told me they get paid only $2mo! And this was back in 2004!
  • I feel so bad for the soldiers in other countries some soldiers suffer really bad but this is on a WHOLE other level
  • This video broke my heart because it tore me apart when the soldiers were forced to cry when the governor comes near them, and they’re already burdened enough.
  • @katrinasiu
    The height requirement for joining the army for North Korea is so ridiculous that it’s like the average height for 10-12 year old boys in where I live. This just shows how little food they are given, and that’s really sad
  • When I was in the U.S. Army (Ft. Polk), I was given a room, a small refrigerator, a microwave oven, a bed, a dresser, and a clothing locker. I shared a bathroom with a next-door neighbor. I had two phone lines available, and I paid for internet service. It was a pretty good set up compared to the North Korean barracks.
  • @jello5303
    From now on, I’m gonna pray to thanks to the lord that my grandma survived the Korean War and moved to America, without being captured by the North.
  • It really is so sad that these poor people are used and abused by 1 man. I wish i could go there and save them all.
  • @debmar5771
    I understand that it's difficult for the people to organize a rebellion; they can't trust anyone. A neighbor might turn them in to authorities. They're trapped and starving to death.