How to Find a GOOD Church

Published 2023-09-30
Finding a good church is one of the most important things a Christian can do to get plugged in to a community of likeminded believers. But often times finding a "good" church is easier said than done. In this video, we offer four steps to help you in your church search.

All Comments (21)
  • @euangelion
    "Church is not a building you go to. It's God's people." Thank you for this video ❤ God bless you brother.
  • @Soliderofchrist
    Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
  • @Raging_5oldier
    Baby Christian here! I was raised to go to church but we went to mega churches (I never felt right about some of them) and I attended a Pentecostal church (Not gonna say anything negative) but I never felt at home with any other church than the one I attend now. I was baptized at my current church a year ago and I felt welcome and loved as soon as I started going there. It took me some time to fully experience and understand Jesus’s love, it hurts but feels great at the same time. That’s how I can describe what I felt when I opened the door to my heart for him. If you happen to read this far, thank you. If you want to know what life is like for me now since being baptized and having that change of heart and mind, I’ll tell you it’s not easy nor is it always this feeling of ecstasy. The feeling of turning back or ‘back-sliding’ is always there but you have to keep yourself in prayer and reading the Bible. If I can give anyone advice that was shared with me by my future father in law, being a Christian is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Some people will take advantage of your kindness and your willing to give but always remain vigilant about it. Have a blessed day/life.
  • @narolinreyes1378
    I was part of a cult better known as Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Everything you described is what they do. They discredit other churches and Bible speakers so you only depend on Lee Man Hee for the word, they isolate you, and just overall confuse you. I pray 🤲 no one falls into their trap. Be blessed 💛
  • @gr4hamm
    I have been saved for 6 months. I am blessed that the very first church I went to was extremely solid and biblical. I thank God that he directed me to a good fellowship.
  • @Elrood
    Yes i went in a church where the Holy Spirit was always telling to go to a different one, then he guided me to the one where im going now and its the best one , i can feel God presence everytime!!
  • @lproth
    Me, my Bible and my personal relationship with God is all I need! I have never had good fellowship, except when I was in Iraq with my bothers and sisters!
  • @WadeWeigle
    We moved to a new area just before Covid, and instead of going to find a church right away I’ve opted to hold Bible study on Sunday with my family so they can be strengthened before we set out as a family and seek a church out. I want every member of my house hold to be able to spot falsehoods and tell for themselves if this is the right place for them. Thank you for the video. God bless y’all.
  • @blessingneat1up
    I go to a church that regularly has Wednesday prayer meetings. In one of our prayer meetings, we invited a guest who was doing missions in Indonesia, and he really pointed out how much he appreciated how we were a praying church, and that praying churches are the kinds of churches we need more of. It's a good feeling to know that your church is unique compared to other churches. You can't change the world if you look just like the world! 🙏
  • @UnTotal1-Requess
    I am extremely happy to say I have been blessed with an amazing church.
  • @FloridaManPat
    Thank you for this video I stopped going to church 3 years ago because the church I was going to started worshipping a certain political figure rather then Christ. Lately it has been put upon my heart to get myself back to God’s house. I am praying for a biblical based evangelical church.
  • @waynestewart1919
    You, sir, are a very gifted teacher. God speaks through you. Never take that for granted.
  • @larrywiener6327
    A couple of years I had to leave a church that did not fit into the criteria in this video. Now I am blessed by a church that fits all the way and it really has helped me grow. What church you go to really matters
  • @deckerlogan
    So so so so so good! It's crucial to realize that just because some mega church has hundreds, or even thousands, of attendees, that doesn't automatically mean it's a good church. If you're not growing closer to God, you're dying as you (even unknowingly) drift away.
  • @eblsymk
    Great summary! Not gonna's sooo EASY to love God but it's sooo difficult to love people. it's a struggle each and every day.
  • @abundantharmony
    I've followed this channel for about a year now, and I've found NO fault in it's teaching. Props to you brother. God bless.
  • @HanJo328
    'Church is not a building you go to, but it is 'GOD'S people'.
  • @CharlanaJo
    Thank you for sharing this. The one thing that I miss about a good church is when they had Wednesday night services. They're always so much fun and it helped keep me balanced. Every church I've been to I've asked "Do you have services on Wednesday evenings?" There are reply is "No,we don't,we do youth meetings on Wednesdays night only." Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they have something going for the youth but I miss being about the entire family.
  • @ichigo8039
    I'm 20 years old and still dependent on my parents. My family attends church twice a week, but I've been feeling like I'm not growing in my understanding of God's word because we rely solely on the teachings of our church without personal Bible reading. In fact, our church doesn't really encourage personal Bible reading, stating that it may lead to misinterpretations. I've been struggling with this because I feel like I've been going to church out of habit or obligation, and it hasn't been fostering my spiritual growth. And it doesn't help that the church places more importance on itself as the path to salvation rather than on Jesus. Recently, I started reading the Bible on my own and have decided that I want to find a church that aligns more closely with my beliefs and supports my spiritual growth, allowing me to get closer to God. However, I'm hesitant to tell my parents about this decision because our current church holds significant importance to them. Right now, I've been watching YouTube videos about the gospel and God, and reading the Bible by myself. But deep down, I have a strong desire to connect with a community of like-minded believers who can support me in my faith journey.
  • Exmormon here, now born again Christian. All glory to God! Praise to the lamb who was slain to set us free ! 😢❤ I just found your channel. I am blessed . Thank you.