Apoplectic Speaker goes fully mental at Boris Johnson

Published 2021-11-17
In an uproarious sessions of Prime Minister's Questions, Keir Starmer quizzes Boris Johnson over Northern Powerhouse Rail and standards in public life, as the government is increasingly engulfed in a corruption scandal.

However, Speaker Lindsay Hoyle was involved more in the session than he would've liked, repeatedly rebuking Johnson for questioning Starmer. At one point Hoyle is forced to order Johnson to his seat, stating "You may be the prime minister, but in here, I'm in charge."


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All Comments (21)
  • @thewalrus6833
    I've lived my adult life under ten prime ministers - Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson - they all told lies, but I must admit Boris takes it to a whole new level.
  • What a shadow of its former self our country has become. Totally embarrassing.
  • @kiwik5452
    The fact that they all laugh at the “play by the rules” statement is a demonstration of how disgusting the situation is - it’s got to the point where that statement has actually become a joke to them 😖
  • @fatiman3547
    Boris : Gets humiliated infront of the world Also Boris : Talks like nothing ever happened
  • @dingdong6069
    My history teacher always used to say: "A tyranny is always at its worst just prior to its collapse"
  • @kingcurry6594
    As a former Conservative, I'm embarrassed by Johnson. He's a disgrace, and those MPs cheering him need to take a long hard look at themselves.
  • @sosig8332
    when the leaders of our country are saying "you are as bad as me" is just appalling
  • @MrBawdry
    "we want better politics, I expect bollocks... Better politics from both sides" Spoken from the heart
  • @mindslaw4961
    I can't believe he's still peddling the "50,000 more nurses" lie.
  • @billpugh58
    Johnson spends PMQs looking around at his cronies for support and their laughter. They all smirk in time with each other. dreadful!
  • @dreamster8264
    "Sit down prime minister! In this house I'm in charge!" at 11:58 . PMs behaviour was a disgrace, get him told speaker!
  • @_Lancs2024
    ‘better politics’ would include a prime minister that actually answers the questions and doesn’t lie or mislead in his answers. Integrity.
  • But yet no actual action taken against the PM. Three times the speaker informed him that it was not opposition leaders questions, and yet Johnson kept trying it. So really... does it mean anything?
  • @terbog
    I've heard a lot from Boris Johnson, but it sounds like he is loosing it.
  • @ricktickb00m
    I'm from Chorley and I'm proud of how the speaker Lindsay Hoyle has represented us
  • @a1harrogate
    For once I agree with Starmer. The current government is rotten to the core.
  • @pip1723
    Johnson's act is wearing thin yet he's totally oblivious and he carries on with the same old routine to the delight of his benches it's embarrassing.
  • @jonjon9047
    Mr Speaker, I’d like to ask the PM why he is such a lying criminal.