Exploring an abandoned forestry bureau dormitory in Taiwan

Published 2024-06-03
For a number of years I was curious about an abandoned road along the Shaxi forest road (沙溪林道) and what it might lead to. After looking at some old maps, I learned there were possibly some old buildings at the end of the road - likely a forestry bureau workstation.

The road itself is overgrown and can't be driven. There is also a large landslide along the way. I thought about hiking it, but in the end I chose to follow the Shaxi forest road until I was directly above it, and then hike down to the building(s). There was no trail, but it wasn't terribly difficult to get down there.

I had a lot of fun with the ride, hike, and exploring my final destination!

Please note! If you're interested in checking it out, it's not a place for the average hiker to try and find. There is NO trail. You'll need to do your homework on how to safely get there and you'll need the appropriate supplies, like a machete to help bushwhack your way there. Hiking here could be dangerous.


All Comments (4)
  • @ForeignersinTW
    My kids really liked the yodeling hiker. It got some laughs. Cool to see the old dormitory. I imagine that is about what we would find if we went to the one up in Maolin near Chuyunshan
  • @outrecording851
    Thanks man! Yeah, it’s prob more or less the same. Or chances are, far worse. A lot of those places way out there in the mountains are nothing but shells. Still looking forward to seeing that one!