Anjem Choudary "Godfather Of Homegrown Islamist Extremism In UK" | Guilty Of Directing Terror Group

Published 2024-07-25
Kevin O'Sullivan is joined by social policy analyst Rakib Ehsan to discuss the news that Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of directing a terrorist organisation and encouraging support for it through online meetings.

Following a trial at Woolwich Crown Court, Choudary was convicted on Tuesday of taking a “caretaker role” in directing Al-Muhajiroun (ALM).

He stood motionless in the dock with his arms crossed as the jury’s verdict was delivered.

Prosecutors said Choudary directed the terrorist organisation for a significant period of time from 2014 onwards and also encouraged support for the group by addressing online meetings of the Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS).

The 57-year-old, of Ilford, east London, gave lectures to the New York-based ITS, which prosecutors said was “the same” as ALM.

ITS was infiltrated by undercover law enforcement officers in the US, who were present at online lectures in 2022 and 2023, held over the Element messenger platform.

ALM was proscribed as a terror organisation in the UK in 2010, though it was said in court that the group has continued to exist under various names.

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All Comments (21)
  • @gee3883
    Revoke his citizenship, let him choose a country and fly him and his family there, then seize his ex council house to pay for it.
  • @lothos-tu4uh
    "When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles." - 'Children of Dune' (Frank Herbert, 1976)
  • @LouLou10000
    What to do about Choudary? Keep him in solitary and only allow devout militant Christian or Jewish guards to deal with him in any way. We need a specific jail just for terrorists. Remove his council house from him sbd all benefits to his family
  • @shadesaul5654
    He will radicalise many more in jail, and we will allow him to. Absolute joke of a country.
  • @lothos-tu4uh
    "You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog." - Ashin Wirathu (buddhist monk)
  • @diorocks5858
    Only got arrested because of pressure from the Americans. Just like the Vice president said UK is a failed terror state. To call Anjem the Godfather' when there is one of him in every mosque is a bit of a understatement
  • @zafikhawaja
    The judges who release these radical extremist people should be investigated through and through...there is nothing to say these judges are not corrupt.
  • Death penalty for terrorism should be reinstated. How long do you expect the taxpayers to fund his upkeep if you put him under life imprisonment?
  • @preston7608
    Military prison. Keep them isolated for the rest of his life.
  • @lothos-tu4uh
    Israel uses rockets to protect its citizens...hamas uses citizens to protect its rockets...nuff said...
  • The Judiciary takes care of it's own, more Muslims qualifying each year for law. Watch what's coming ...
  • @lothos-tu4uh
    Remember, while you are training for diversity and inclusion, someone else is training for war. When you meet, they will win.
  • I do not undetstand how treason is tolerated..whether immi or our own 'leaders'.
  • Solitary confinement for life. No books, no TV, never let him see the sun again.
  • This mans bang on Choudry is WAY to far gone hes never going to stop believing what he does he's so dangerous he should never be out again imo
  • I would not want him as my doctor! Our governments both past and prresent are hell bent in devasating our country. The people do need to revolt!
  • @lothos-tu4uh
    "...the problem with islamic fundamentalism are the fundamentals of islam..." - Sam Harris