How Texas woman survived 5 days stranded in Ariz. desert

Published 2017-04-01
Amber VanHecke, a 24-year-old college student, was on a spring break trip alone to the when her car ran out of gas.

All Comments (21)
  • I would never, NEVER drive alone into the dessert with 1/3 a tank filled and no extra canisters. That’s actually insane.
  • @Zileah1001
    This girl wanted to go on a road trip but didn’t fill her tank up all the way ? Sis cmon now.
  • @Lydia--Ann
    She learned lessons the very hard way! My friend and I did a road trip and I wrote all the directions down on a piece of paper...including where all stops could be found for food and gas and how far out... brought gallons of water with me and a full tank of gas. My friend laughed at first... but thanked me later when we were HOURS in the middle of NOWHERE with No service!
  • @MrFallior
    "She filled her tank with 1/3 of gas to try to save money" That makes absolutely no sense at all. How does that save you money? Eventually you'll need gas again? You'll always eventually have to pay for it. What does it matter of you did it then or 2 hours later?
  • When I moved out near the desert my father was insistent that I never get below a half tank of gas. I’m so glad my father gave me that advice and I’m very glad she’s ok.
  • @bayarea1129
    With all due respect to this poor young lady , I'm just so confused as to why she would drive that far and deep into nothingness with barely any gas (it had BEEN blinking and she kept going)a phn that could and did lose service and or die, and into the night...??? My god I'm glad shes ok now.
  • She learned some vital lessons it’s pretty basic Arizona where she started to up to Flagstaff is wide open and you’ve gotta have gas you’ve gotta have water I have to know what you’re doing you gotta be able to have cell coverage and that’s all basics and she just took off like a big bird without really thinking about it I’m so glad she’s OK 👍🏼
  • @briseidaa1619
    I felt bad then - "She put a third of a tank of gas" Wasnt she driving to the freaking grand canyon?
  • @Pataganja
    Y’all took her back to the desert lmfaooo
  • I went back to Montana recently and my mom picked me up from the airport around midnight. Her truck broke down on the way back to her place and we couldn’t get a tow truck that late at night. So we were stranded for about 4 hours until the reservation police saw us and luckily he drove us to my mom’s place. I’ll stick around civilization thank you very much. No road trips for me.
  • @laourse1751
    I'm so proud of her. She saved herself and it's impressive.
  • @abokhalid3492
    If u attempting to go to the dessert 3 things u have to have before steping dawn from the road 1. Full tank of gas 2. at least 5 gallons of water 3. A spare tire couple of them if u could I am from saudi arabia and I have never go to the dessert with out them Wish you all a happy and safe live 💙
  • @davidrudger3852
    “I should have never trusted google maps” I feel those words, wise words everyone can live by.
  • @leavesongrass
    Thank you, thank you for sharing your story! And I just love how much your dad loves you!
  • @sovereign3351
    I'm glad this story had a happy ending you could tell how much Stephen loves his daughter that was genuine emotion and it definitely struck me pretty hard as a father myself 😥
  • @Guenter34
    "It's the response of the driver to exercise common sense." Harsh
  • @misspandesal
    Glad she had the will to survive. Amazing testimony.
  • @WackieChai
    Not alone anymore my friend, u r loved. 💗