Truly One Of The Best Strategies To Win When Your Team Is Way Behind | Mobile Legends

Published 2024-05-29

All Comments (21)
  • Enemy focusing this much on exp and team still losing in gold lane is the worst feeling as exp laner
  • Let's appreciate beto for 'intentionally' feeding for us Bro risking his game just for our entertainment
  • @damo_2147
    I have notice it many times whenever beto doesn't gets MVP he does not show the match results/ points at end😂
  • @jassjokbal6869
    What a dream come true! This is true representation for the Argus mains! IMMORTALITY or Death!
  • @pain8061
    Am I dreaming or is beto using argus??
  • @Goruden_4407
    Always remember, when you're on the losing side, remember... "It's not over till it's over" - Betosky
  • @ForestedML
    This is actually my favorite Betosky video so far. Watching him snowball or gank is fun, but the way he’s calculating while knowing how small the margin of error is had me locked in the whole video. We don’t get to see this more vulnerable side of him that often either, a side I personally find a lot more relatable. His teammates were giving him and Moskov the most shit, but it was the two of them working in harmony that won the game. Seeing Beto resisting the urge to join fights and focusing on pushing shows such an advanced maturity imo. Well done 👏👏
  • @MrZacOFC
    What I was strange about is how tf do they have the guts to blame the exp when he is struggling and getting no help. they are also dying a lots so why blame the exp? Oh yeah this is the classic ranked where half of the player only know how to blame the other and not actually play correctly
  • @azra5766
    Is this a fever dream?? Betosky Argus??
  • @FreakDealer
    Bro really throwed the game and told it was intentional and thought we wouldn't notice
  • @boopbep123
    Instruction unclear: The whole team drying in big team fight in 1 second while you're not even reach enemy minion
  • @imzelone
    i actually do this strategy a lot lmao, but alas, all it takes is one observant enemy and its over. usually once you take down their inhibitor they become more cautious
  • @ZekkenXZ
    Beto aint the only one to get credit in this game but the moskov too he played well. some moskov dont know how to fully utilize his potential, moskov's split pushing capabilities is too op, as he can get into the clash immediately while pushing the sides if he hit the enemies with his ult.
  • @wolfff6073
    Teammates - why you feeding exp? Betosky - its all part of my plan 🗿
  • I'm impressed by the fact that your team actually held on the fort and didn't let the enemies end the game early.. normally, it would be really tough to split push when losing like that because the enemies would just destroy your team defending and just go end the you can't really rely on split pushing that much.. The enemies not ending early and just focusing on kills is what made them lose this match. ..Also its stew-pid to leave a lane after winning it, there's no point, I always go back and try my best to defend at least the 2nd turret as much as possible to keep map control.
  • imagine being soo good that you have to be dying purposely to show how to make a comback🗿
  • @user-yt1jc4bb8m
    just when i was thinking if you had a new video uploaded and you did!!!! my comfort watch, thank you so much <33