Instant Calm, Explore Tibetan Healing Sounds at 528Hz | Relieving Insomnia, Sound of Water ★2

Published 2024-06-19
Instant Calm, Explore Tibetan Healing Sounds at 528Hz | Relieving Insomnia, Sound of Water
Welcome to Inner Peace and Meditation 🌊
🍀 At our"Inner Peace and Meditation" channel, we invite you to embark on a journey towards inner peace and well-being. Dive into our carefully curated collection of soothing music, guided meditations, and mindfulness practices designed to calm the mind, relax the body, and nourish the soul. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or simply looking to unwind after a long day, our channel offers a sanctuary where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
🍀 Our easy-to-listen content is tailored to create a serene atmosphere, making it perfect for meditation, relaxation, yoga, or simply finding a moment of solace in your busy day.

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What can you find on our channel?

- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
- To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
- You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls ...

📷 Software Photo Editing : Adobe Photoshop CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe Premiere Pro CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe After Effects Pro CC

© All right reserved and published by Inner Peace and Medit

All Comments (13)
  • 解放後的清淨自由自在的廣裘虛漠無垠無束縛的漫越靈牧的快樂=訴予知音頻譜共振的喜樂分享
  • 生來俱有,死後不去,獨來獨往,不睜不閉,此係[***佛眼***]°
  • 識神虛其圓明=人慾淨盡=水平氣清=如鏡無塵=天理流行的與天有感有應=與萬化冥合=與天地合一=感應道交=如如不動=純陽正炁無極本性=萬道光芒籠罩在全身的莊嚴肅穆頤頤輕安自得清淨本性
  • 明心明本的提綱契領的要件=無我為正=無我為直=真禪=獨一無二的確中=中庸=不偏不倚=守在中道實相般若智慧的虛無而不落有無人設的物質世界對自身感觀的執取旁落
  • 以此佛眼觀物者不偏=不在人心的自我小我生滅無常的我來判別論斷=萬物皆有佛性的同我=就是無我=不偏就是不旁落自身的感觀全身的根塵意識的攀岩接收萬相泡影幻相的信好訊息
  • 水的柔軟的沉靜的流向大地之母親=萬物賴以維生之憑藉=清者一覽無遺的洞徹明悉=淨者不再飄搖晃動的底定了然於心的圓覺的釋然解鎖心中的人事物情境中帶來的衝擊波瀾壯闊的七情之發抒反應=過之與未及=所積疊的暗淤塞鬱抑成傷成瘤成癌變🎉
  • 由此明心見性直入如來地=正法正道=秒不可言說形容
  • 虛者必散=妄意橫生=陷於七情六慾沉沒=困鎖在外在環境的形色直取不放=外忍飢寒=內忍感召所引起的七情六慾如織想要的衝擊身心清淨的維護