Loud Scream In The Woods That Made Me Run

Published 2020-09-05
I had an idea for an ASMR channel that records forest trails, and other nature sounds. On my first trip, I got something I was not expecting to get on camera. I decided to go into a walled-off part of the woods that was knocked down. There I heard a noise not native to anything I have heard in Michigan, I am an avid trail walker and love to get lost in the woods and I have never heard this before. I also do believe in cryptids, with that being said I did not want to see what made that noise. Whatever it was mad or in pain.
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#Forest #CreepyVideo #ScaryVideo

All Comments (21)
  • Imagine if animals start learning that making scary loud noises can scare humans away.
  • Remember, if something in the woods screams, be polite, scream back.
  • @mofo264
    I know that sound all to well. However I had no idea my mother in law spends time in rural Michigan
  • @shimo_96
    Quick tip for a situation like this that I learned while in Civil Air Patrol: Do not turn and run from something like this, that is the exact behavior a prey animal will follow, which leads to the other animal chasing you from instinct. Do not turn around to run, but instead slowly back away while still facing the sound or animal. If this is at night, keep the light you have with you shining in their eyes or the direction the sound came from so they cannot see you well, if at all, and do not panic. Situations like this are completely a psychological game. Don't make it a game of chase. Those creatures literally live for something like that, so your chances of surviving are slim if it becomes that. It should only be a very, very last resort, if you have to resort to that at all.
  • @loopsdude7720
    Mans was running while holding a camera and it still looked better then the people that record fights
  • @akshayak6841
    This guy knew that the camera man always survives
  • This is why you should never go through places like these alone—without a weapon!
  • @jeffnorton9728
    Blue Heron makes a disturbing loud dinosaur like noise when startled , and one would never guess that noise would come from a bird !
  • @hsjdndd6081
    It's a blue heron. We have a whole colony in the back part of our property that nest in the dead oak trees. There was 23 breeding pairs last summer. Ours scream like nuts at night and I think its because a great horned owl pesters them on the nests trying to predate the chicks and eggs. I remember the first year they started nesting I would watch them in the day but never heard them scream. One day I was down by the pond kayaking and forgot my phone out there, I didn't realize till I got back and it was already dark. I started to walk out there and was about half way there when I hear this nasty screaming and screeching. Freaked the hell out of me. I ran back and ended up getting the car and driving down there, I only got out for a few seconds to quickly grab my phone but man the screaming was insane. It was terrifying and extremly loud and because there was multiple nests all being disturbed there was also multiple birds screeching at the same time. Truly terrifying when its pitch black and you have no idea what is making the sound. It sounds almost human or like some animal is being murdered but there are multiple and they just keep screaming. When I got home I searched up bob cat screams, couger screams, raccoon fighting snarls, everything I could think of and couldnt find anything that matched. The closest was a couger but still clearly was not that. That whole summer every night the screams would start and last all night. You could hear them from the house, if I left my window open while I slept some nights I would be woken at 3am by these screams. Late summer the great blue herons were done nesting and the chicks fledged, the screaming stopped but I didn't associate the two and was still clueless what could be making the screams. That winter a video popped up in my recommended, it was a video of a great horned owl attacking a great blue heron on the nest and the thing screeched like nuts. You can probably search great blue heron attacked by owl, nest cam, and find the video easily. It's been a few years now and the number of nesting pairs grows every year, they scream thorough the day too now, fighting over nesting space with eacother. And they scream even more every night. Its almost impossible to get used to but I know what it is now so it doesnt scare me anymore. Sure scares the hell out of visitors though, and I havent had any issues with trespassers during nesting season.
  • @blisster7335
    "What a lovely day. The sun is shining an- aight time to go home."
  • @leoncaron8349
    Lived in the sticks for years and years, walked trails at night when the moon was full, had bears in my campsite, seen rattlers fat as my arms, heard mountain lions scream at night, had wolves parallel me for a while once. The number one lesson is never run.
  • @57strub
    Lol. Yep. Blue Herron. Have heard hundreds of them.
  • @freshdoe3628
    I like how you can tell he was terrified because of how he just froze in place and proceeded to back away and then sprint the opposite direction
  • Yeh, I’m not trying to get “disappeared” either. Looked like a damn good spot to get snake bit as well.
  • If its something bad you will know. Like you will get this absolutely horrible gut feeling. Its hard to describe, but its a mix of knowing something bad is about to happen, feeling watched and pure dread. I have felt it multiple times in my life and every time I did, something horrific or terrifying followed it! Always, ALWAYS trust your gut!
  • @no-ck7ox
    He’s a runner he’s a track star 😍
  • Whenever you hear noises like that make a loud chuffing noise..larger animals make this noise and a lot of times it will scare a predator away