Progressing without crashing - Everyday Alex Episode 002

Published 2019-09-03
Alex Howard helps Luci with how to increase her activity level without triggering a crash of ME/CFS.
Watch Luci's follow up session at    • Protecting progress on the recovery p...  

Everyday Alex is the daily vlog series from Alex Howard. Subscribe and hit the bell for notifications to make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Explore Alex's website to find out more about his projects at The Optimum Health Clinic, Therapeutic Coaching and Conscious Life.

If you'd like to have a mini-session with Alex discussing where you're stuck on recovery, send an email with a description of an issue you're working on to [email protected] (2019)

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All Comments (21)
  • @evelinel.9827
    One thing that you say, Alex, is that hope is enough, was not true for me at all and even with hope, very little activity, Paleo diet, I got worse and worse (now I know it was because of fear of the illness/symptoms). It was when I really worked daily on the belief I could heal (I totally embraced the Mind-body aspect of this illness, Dr. Sarno, etc.) that I really made strides in recovery. I really have the view now (like many) that this illness is a brain/nervous system dysfunction and all the bodily issues come from that one dysfunction, so heal the nervous system dysfunction and the body heals itself. The last 15 months I have gone from barely being able to walk around my house, take care of myself, etc. with so, many symptoms (dizziness, migraines, fatigue, pain, IBS, cognitive issues, etc.) to power walking 1-2 miles a day and feel 90% better and have lots of periods with zero symptoms by working on my thoughts/beliefs and doing tons of emotional work. When thoughts arise (usually when symptoms were up) that I could not recover, I immediately challenged those thoughts, watched recovery stories if I needed to, but above all willed myself to believe that I could recover. Byron Katie and Three Principles online trainings were huge for me in learning to not believe/dis-identify with my thoughts. (Dr. Joe Dispenza's work and mediations have been huge for me also--people recover from not just CFS but Stage 4 cancer, Parkinson's Disease, MS and more from his mind/body/spirit work). If so many others made a full recovery, why not me? This belief in recovery plus acceptance of symptoms plus the work on myself (and embracing spirituality and myself as a Highly Sensitive Person) are why I have mostly recovered and know I will get to 100% sometime in the near future. I haven't taken any vitamins and just eat a regular mostly healthy but by no means perfect diet (gave up Paleo 15 months ago).
  • @karenknight8891
    I really appreciate these videos!!! The part about bouncing against the boundaries to retrain our neuroception really intrigued me. I would love to see more sessions with the various psychological patterns... achieve... control.... at the different levels of recovery. I am fairly high functioning but really want to be completely healed! Thanks again!!
  • @jpburton5499
    Thanks for this, Alex. I am just learning about pacing myself, and this was helpful, as I have just started to work on this area. I find personally that it is easy for me to slip into overwhelm and freeze mode, because I live alone, and mostly am using what energy I have to get my base needs met. It is so easy for my Achiever Personality to take over frequently, because there is no one else for me to rely on, and things have to get done. There is also a lot of pressure for me to be well, because a family member is helping to support me at present, but that could stop at any time. Thank you for sharing these strategies, but also for sharing your continuum of Hoping - Believing - Knowing. I am having a hard time with envisioning a future where I can be self-sufficient and self-sustaining. I guess it is because I have been far down for the past 5 years, and hope is just starting to come back into the picture - perhaps this has to do with neuroception. I look forward to following more of your vlogs and posts. Thanks so much!
  • I've struggled for more than 25 yrs with multiple autoimmune diseases and it's only been the last few years I've gotten some help with this roller coaster ride. It's helpful to know I'm not the only one with the same questions as this young girl shared. Please continue with the videos. Thank you.
  • This is really helpful and encouraging- please continue to do more!
  • @seanmyers7869
    Loved watching this! I have become unwell with CFS this year but have only in the past couple months established a really solid foundation/baseline. I love to see you speak to someone who is at a very similar stage to me - the advice about moving forwards, in a slow and measured way is incredibly useful. One 'project' I have recently applied myself to is cooking, which has been absolutely wonderful. Having had weeks where I have barely an appetite and feel wiped out from eating, being able to cook for pleasure & discover new recipes has been so fun. Would love to see any additional videos about 'reintegration' :)
  • @BrewbokOwl
    Establishing a baseline is very hard. I find it totally impossible at the moment and as a result I regularly crash simply because I couldn’t control how much needed to be done over a period of time. Two things you mentioned were very helpful: listen to your body and don’t stop doing what you’re doing to get the improvements. I’m learning not to be ashamed of needing to change plans based on what my body says. I’m also learning that if, after a few months of good sleep hygiene, daily naps, meditation and good nutrition, I feel better, keep doing those things! Thank you for your continued efforts.
  • @john-eo1ns
    Hope, belief, knowing, very interesting, because I used to try and cultivate hope but ditched it because i realised when I had success when well, was when I believed i could make a difference, and then once I had made a difference i knew I could make a positive change. However I had missed the link between the three, like building a house on a solid foundation, hope is the foundation and when sick that is the fundamental starting point i missed out hope and went straight to belief, and that didn't work for me. Great video thanks for the insight, how hope leads to belief and belief to knowing.
  • @singqueen3979
    Thank you Alex, that was really helpful. I think as you said it is nice to see other people experiences and struggles, it makes me feel less lonely and I think there is a lot to learn from other people stories.
  • This was so bloody helpful! I am at a stage of moving forward and bouncing boundaries but just couldn't turn off my stress response to doing things & feel it keeps me stuck. This taught me that it's ok to have that stress feeling (&why I have it!) and work with it by checking back with my body and seeing if my core energy feels ok to continue (& most times it has felt ok!). You've given me something to work with rather than feel stuck 👌🤗
  • @misscharmaineX
    I found this video very useful. I just completed the 90 day home programme any extra help would be amazing and would like to share my progress. I would say I am at the same stage as this lady. I had gone two months without a dip and had established a baseline. I recently had a unavoidable trip to the dentist and even with the tools I could not control my unconscious anxiety and ended up just about getting through the visit but crashed as soon as I got home. Thankfully I am picking back up again. Also any advice on dealing with grief of a loved one too would be so useful for me.
  • @EatSleepAmazon
    You channel is very helpful! There is not much info on ME/CFS and I have this and have been struggling running my business while managing this disease. It feels good to hear from others with similar struggles.
  • @Daniel-zy9jg
    I would also love to see more of these. I am working with the OHC since October last year and I enjoy to see other people in these sessions. Thanks for your advice, Alex and great job, Luci!
  • @mikkks68
    Thank you Alex and Luci, this was very helpful. I just completed the 90days IPP too and it was helpful to see bouncing the boundaries and pacing etc applied to someone else’s life who is at a similar stage to me - it makes more sense now of how moving forward looks. And it helps me feel not so alone in my journey, struggles and questions! :) looking forward to more of these videos!
  • This was extremely helpful. I’m looking forward to listening to more of this type of video. Thanks to you both for doing this.
  • Really identified with this video and found it very helpful - look forward to seeing more - really good idea to share stories and helpful support and advice - it makes you feel less isolated and alone - so thank you Alex and Luci for sharing your story - I wish you well for the future x
  • @robinford7582
    Very helpful.... I can relate to everything you covered here....
  • my body crashes get my emotion in my body shatting down my body that way i am stress in my body i find it hard my body shat down in my life my dream get self butter freands and family get my life back in my self
  • my body is crashing when i get emotian i cant sleep about i likme more vidos nicky