She Represents Everything Wrong with the Jedi Order

Published 2023-07-05
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The Jedi Order was an imperfect organization, but this Jedi Master represents everything wrong with the Jedi Order.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Damivarius
    The Sith never learned to control their emotions, and the Jedi never learned to live with their emotions.
  • @kylea8795
    Say what you want about how George Lucas handled the prequel trilogy. However, his decision to show the absolute corruption and hypocrisy of both the Jedi and the republic gives the audiences a greater understanding of how these two institutions of power can fall and lead to the creation of the galactic empire.
  • Ironically, Barriss is around Anakin's age and he actually knows her and has been on missions with her and Luminara when they were both Padawans (at least in Legends [not sure about Canon]). Ani just got promoted to Knight earlier due to his unique brand of over-the-top heroism and recklessness. It's odd how the show likes to depict her and Ahsoka as being about the same age but I think that it works to contrast them or something. It is nice to see them act like peers despite the age gap, though. There's always something to learn from your youngers. Elders seem to get that arrogance about them and forget that, despite their tendency to be hasty and reckless, youngers have good ideas and smart thoughts too. Of course, this is about flexibility versus being too by the book (a common theme in SW, oddly enough [or maybe not since war is one of the central points of the series]).
  • Anakin and Ahsoka embrace after Ahsoka almost dies, meanwhile, Luminara "Yo, you good Barriss?"
  • @Clone683
    It never sat well with me when Barris was trapped in the rubble and Luminara was basically like "Guess shes dead now, oh well". She didnt even try to rescue her
  • She also criticized Ventress for not being as skilled as Dooku in Form 2, and then proceeded to be completely curbstomped by Ventress when they dueled. One of the strongest Jedi my ass
  • @Nabo42
    One thing to point out as well, in regards to how uminara reacted to her padawan potentially dying, is that she's actually neglecting her responsibilities. As a master she is responsible for the safety of her padawan. Yes, it's a dangerous world out there and they are right in the middle of it, but that only reinforces the need for a more protective attitude. People who so casually abandon someone they are responsible for cannot b e trusted with anything.
  • I completely agree. Luminara is also most likely the one who was so callous to the Martez sisters after their parents died.
  • I think it's funny how Kanan thought she'd a better teacher than him. She was the last teacher Ezra would want
  • An ex gf and I used to crack up making fun of Luminara and Baris in this episode. Baris seemed resigned to death and Luminara seemed as resigned to Baris' death as Baris was. So morbid and goth. We used to laugh our asses off, impersonating them in various, imagined, life-threatening situations.
  • @Tanaka1168
    About the tunnel mission, I wholeheartedly believe Luminara was so keen for her padawan to lead the tunnel with Ahsoka because she was attempting to teach her a lesson. She had Bariss memorise the intricate system using her outdated methods and lead the mission with Ahsoka as if to say "see look! my old meticulous way worked!", and when it inevitably fails she attempts to teach Anakin a lesson of "hey if I fail and other people suffer, I'm ready to let go and make the sacrifice". The whole time, she was trying to say that she's right about something. Even in the confrontation with Ventress, when she realized that she's in over her head, her apologies to Ahsoka was not genuine. She speaks in the same manner of "see look I apologized! Im the good guy and the bigger person!". Every single time she's on screen, she is yearning to be right about something.
  • @killermouse01
    I never really put thought to it, but I always kinda hated Luminara, for all of the reasons you pointed out. Even as someone who prefers calm logical thinking in bad situations, she's so far removed from emotion that she can't even use it to inform her of possible solutions. There is value in controlling our emotions, working in the ER and ambulance, it's extremely valuable to stay calm in an emergency and be able to think things through. But even in those scenarios, I use my emotions and gut instincts to tell me if something isn't right, and then control those feelings to guide me without controlling me and loosing the ability to stay calm. Doing this helps me to catch problems that may not have been completely recognizable by logical observation alone, and then motivates me to take action, without forgetting to use strategy. On the other hand, Luminara comes up with a great initial plan, then when it doesn't go as planned, her strategy completely fell apart and she accepted the loss of her padawan without even trying to confirm if they were actually dead. I honestly think she's a horrible person, and she absolutely is an example of some of the many problems in the Jedi order of that period. While I am someone who loves the Jedi, they had serious problems that developed from blindly accepting extreme views of philosophy.
  • @GGBlaster
    Luminara’s behavior during the rescue of hers and Anakin’s apprentices really gets on my nerves. The entire time, she is essentially telling Anakin to give up, more or less saying that they are already dead. And if it wasn’t for Anakin’s determination, they would be. And yet after he does rescue them, Luminara claims that she never gave up on them despite the fact that that was literally what she was doing the entire time. If I didn’t know better, I’d say Luminara was trying to get the padawans killed.
  • I had an idea: I think the true start of Barriss's fall might have been the brain worm episode. Even though the worm was removed from her, consider the sheer terror and PTSD she must have felt from being mind-controlled by an eldritch bug alien. And what would Luminara say to Barriss after that? "You did your best," or something worthless like that. The absolute lack of empathy Luminara would have shown would have cemented how awful the Jedi were. And yes, combine this episode with the previous Super Tank episode when Luminara gave up on saving Barriss. Nearly died, got brainwashed, then nearly died again? Nah fam, you're just doing your job and the Force works in mysterious ways. Now move on and keep fighting battle droids.
  • Don't forget how cold hearted and disconnected she acted in season 7. While we didn't see it directly, we were given a description of it by one of the characters on Ashoka's arc in Season 7.
  • @camomurf5182
    Man, Luminara really just got *Falling Pipe Sound Effect*ed... XD
  • @luckyluca8718
    Also don't forget that Luminara Undulii is the Jedi who told young Trace and Rafa Martez to essentially just "suck it up" after a speeder crashed into their apartment and killed their parents during a chase with Ziro... Great values on this woman
  • Barrie once said “do you ever question if it’s actually right for us to shut down our emotions in times of war?” Well judging by everything that happened, looks like that was really not a good way of teaching.
  • @Amell_Wesker
    Such a mystery why Barris turned on the Order. She probably picked Ahsoka as her patsy for the Jedi Temple bombing because of jealousy for not having as caring master as Anakin.