The REAL "Fallen Angels" They Don't Want You To Know About

Published 2023-12-10
Etched within the venerable pages of ancient texts and shrouded in the mystique of old mythologies, there lies a theme both haunting and enthralling: the saga of the fallen angels. These celestial entities, known as the Watchers, are shrouded in awe and dread, and have ignited the flames of imagination in the minds of scholars and theologians. But who are these mysterious fallen angels that came to earth and gave advanced civilization to primitive humans? Traditionally seen as divine beings exiled from the celestial realms in a dramatic fall from grace, their tales are intricately entangled with the very essence of numerous religious and mythological chronicles. From the enigmatic verses of the Book of Enoch to the veiled allusions in the Bible and other esoteric scriptures, the enigma of fallen angels presents a puzzle that is as beguiling as it is perplexing. Could these celestial exiles have wielded an unseen, yet profound influence over the dawn of human civilizations? This hypothesis is as captivating as it is contentious, proposing that these outcast beings from the heavens might have been instrumental in molding the very trajectory of human history.

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All Comments (21)
  • @redicej5843
    If you consider all those megalithic structures found all over this earth, the precision they were made with and the immense size and weight of the building blocks, the astronomical knowledge they represent, it's almost impossible not to think an ancient highly advanced civilization walked this earth thousands or even millions of years ago. It's all just mindblowing how they built it all.
  • "Heavenly Father, forgive me for every time I've fallen into sin. I ask for your cleansing and to guide me back to your path."
  • @FaithAndMystery
    Compassionate Healer, I lift up to you all those who are suffering in body, mind, or spirit. Bring comfort to the sick, strength to the weary, and hope to the despairing. Grant wisdom to healthcare workers and caregivers as they tend to the needs of others. May your healing touch be felt by all who are in pain, bringing wholeness and restoration to their lives. In your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen.
  • @jahleajahlou8588
    The Smithsonian Institute a Federal 92% tax dollar supported entity collected artifacts, giant skeletons & antiquities and has withheld ALL of this knowledge & understanding.
  • @boosted9705
    Yes I believe fallen angels influenced the ancient civilization
  • The reason the fallen took on human characteristics is explained in the Bible when it states they left their first station of service to the most high in pursuit of self indulgence.
  • Thanks for this-the books of Enoch were deliberately left out of King James bible and describes the great flood, the Ark and the watchers-love your channel and keep pushing the fact that there has been advanced civilisations before the accepted timelines ❤️❤️
  • @michaelcraff
    Yes I believe that the Fallen Angels influenced the civilizations of mankind before and after the flood.
  • @lonewolfnocb
    The Bible tells us that Lucifer is the god of this earth!!! That only means one thing!!!! The fallen ones never left!!!
  • @sowwhatlxxxvii
    Can’t hide the fact that the pyramids are lined up with the stars lol
  • @charleslogan408
    The 200 fallen angels that landed on Mount Herman are those who fathered these gients by entermeging with the daughter's of men...they the giants killed themselves off in battle...but their wicked spirits are still among us to this day seeking out human bodies to take over 😮
  • @johncook7124
    I have had the fortunate opportunity to have been sent this heavenly message many times in the past 12 years … and I find this information to be of great significance in the actual development of the human civilization. I am personally grateful that this is being shared with today’s society to get a better understanding of how we have had this enlightened Book of ENOCH banished from our Bible and who was responsible for doing so … this answers many questions that we all should acknowledge as pre flood “History” as a whole !!! looking forward to seeing the other videos below for further details and information. God bless
  • @GideonKehinde
    I think those fallen angels still lives among us today But In different human form.
  • @novaxo9827
    The powers that be obviously know the truth.. but will never tell us the truth.
  • its interesting to note, that we live in a very tiny place in the universe itself, and as living beings we have developed over timelines that ascend and descend on cyclical evolutionary scales. We are a microscopic world compared to the surrounding galaxy. Given that much infinite possibility, it's more than likely that we have celestial hierarchies surrounding and visiting planet Earth. The megalithic monuments are impossible to theorize on human scales and this much stonework achieved at perfection and enigmatic shapes or forms are supernatural in origin. stunning designs that capture the fathomless stars around us, and are calculated with geometric and mathematical precisions. The flood myths, Biblical and Epic-stories have credence in what we keep discovering in ancient architecture. Cultural creation stories and international myth stories have relevance in the fact they reveal the herculean nature of these beings beyond our human constructs. The incredible size of the Universe would be truly stupifying if nothing else remained to introduce more fantastic reality out there. Even at the speed of light, it would take us years, 100's or 1000's or 100,000s to travel to other solar systems. Why is the nature of existence so massively incalculable to our standards of technological grasp, even today. Yet, our ancient world managed to massively move untold of, tons of solid weight into perfect alignment with the surrounding zodiacs, tell-tale signs that baffle us today, yet mere childs-play for such builders then. thus, there is no doubt, higher beings exist and can and have influenced this world. And will yet again, influence the future with the appointed higher developments of space-time continuum is reestablished. Just as it was, for instance in Enoch's day.
  • @ohthatscourt
    according to the Book of Enoch, they’re also still alive bound deep underground and we be released on the Day of the Lord. seen a few videos of people in deserts or near caves recording loud bellows and screams but ofc who knows if those vids are real or not
  • @boomtao
    They were obviously extraterrestrials.
  • Awesome video. I do believe the fallen angels taught men about technology and many other, astrology, how to make weapons, etc.