Watch this before you shave a Pomeranian

Published 2015-11-01
Please join my new Facebook group "Patty Wirth Grooming Instructions" I would love to discuss this with you there.
I made this video to warn people what might happen if they shave a Pomeranian. The hair may grow back perfectly normally, it might grow back in patches or uneven or take a long time. Or it might not grow back at all. Better to pick a length to cut the hair that you can live with. I am a groomer, the owner wanted the dog short and did not care if it grew back slowly. Every fall he lets the coat grow until summer and most of it grows back.
Long , thick hair on a dog does not keep it cool. Shorter hair is alway cooler than long hair. Wolves, coyotes, foxes, horses, cows shed because shorter hair is cooler. Sheep need to be sheared so they will not be too hot. Thick wool does not keep the sheep cool. Humans do not wear thick coats on hot days to keep cool.
If you plan to shave your Pomeranian, pick a length you like, in case it does not grow back.
Thank you to all the nice people who make kind comments. I make videos because I enjoy helping and entertaining people. If you use foul language you will be deleted and reported. So keep the four letter words to yourself.

All Comments (21)
  • me: doesn't have a pomeranian and doesn't plan on shaving one also me: no this will be useful one day i swear
  • @user-ep3fw8gi3c
    Such a well behaved dog. I have a Pom-A-Pug, and she would be barking and running around if someone tries to cut her fur.
  • @AFAskygoddess
    Patty, sad you are getting so much criticism for shaving a Pom. I rescued a 15 year old neglected one. She are starved and covered with hundreds of fleas, She barely had any fur on her. I nursed her back to health, fed her all organic food and much to everyone's surprise, her coat came back thick and luscious. After a two years, I could see she was miserable in the hot summer. Even though I loved her coat, I got her a lion cut to cool her down. SHE LOVED IT. Panting stopped. Her fur never would grow back too long on her body, but she lived to a happy an healthy 19 years old.
  • @heckteck
    the last dog broke my heart because my pom just died this morning and when i shaved him he looked exactly like jitters.......RIP Simba
  • @sabrinashen9689
    before the grooming the dog looked sad then when they shaved it its like :D
  • @pattywirth2518
    PLEASE do not use obscene language. For the people who keep asking me WILL MY DOGS HAIR GROW BACK IF I SHAVE IT. I covered this in the video. It may or may not. Every dog is different. Lots of people have commented that their dog did grow their hair back after a shave. Some dogs did not. I suggest an inch or longer trim with a shaved chest and belly for cooling the dog. It is that simple. And NO, long coat does not cool a dog off. That is why fur bearing canines shed in the summertime. IF you want to find a Pomeranian to rescue or buy, Facebook is full of breeders and rescues, just go there and look. If you want to contact me I can Facebook you if you give me the name you are using for Facebook. Thank you, Patty.
  • My Poms groomer warned me to never ever ever cut her hair as they're double coat helps them regulate their temperature and actually keeps them cooler in summer. She said it's a common misconception even for groomers to believe poms are more comfortable with short cuts in the summer heat even thought it's just the opposite.
  • @pattywirth2518
    To Kimi, yes there are times the hair will not grow back, ever. If the dog is in a dormant hair growth stage, it won't grow back until they are out of that stage. If the dog has alopecia it will never grow back, but then it was going to all fall out anyway. As far as being ugly, that is up to the owner if they want the hair clipped, I am the groomer and I warn them, they will just go to another groomer if I refuse. I really don't mind them with short hair personally, but I never make mine short.
  • @dannystargazer
    as the owner of two rescue poms id like to address something ,the reason I and most pom owners have them trimmed is not because we prefer a short haired dog but because of their thick coats poms are at higher risk of heat stroke in hot weather,so  we get then cut/trimmed to make THEM cooler and more comfortable in the summer,remember the ancestors of poms came from cold icy climates their fur wasn't meant for hot Midwest summers
  • Daily brushing, with a soft brush, like that made for human babies, and nice massaging baths every two weeks will help stimulate a coat to grow back. I know, I shaved my terrier mix reverse #7 for 9 years. He always grew a lush coat back. No patches :) Just friendly experience to share..
  • @ninileakz6577
    Both of those girls are so adorable and very well tempered. I want one so bad!
  • @augustbeach824
    I always shaved my pomeranians in late May due to the summer heat. I never had a problem with the undercoat growing back. They always had beautiful coats that sustained them through twenty below weather. Loved my poms, they were never on a leash and understood everything I said. They were great travelers!
  • @MrShadowStrange
    I have a twelve year old pom and I get him a 'summer cut' every year (the groomer we go to makes him look like a little fox just about). Haven't had any strange fur growth patterns that I can think of, but this was an interesting detail I didn't know about. Lovely video!
  • @oli5472
    The dog was so still and calm, amazing!
  • They are cute with very short cut/teddy bear. This groomer is good.
  • Thanks for posting. Both poms are adorable. I've never seen one shaved! Much better 💞