Biblical Mysteries: Ark Of The Covenant (2010) | Full Movie | Michael Sanders

Published 2020-11-09
It is a quest that has fascinated scholars and adventurers for century after century. What happened to that treasure and centerpiece of ancient Jewish life — the Ark of the Covenant? No one knows what happened to it, but researchers never give up seeking for this, which will no doubt rank among history's greatest finds if it is ever discovered. In this action-packed documentary shown prime time on NBC, Biblical scholar and modern-day ""Indiana Jones"" Mike Sanders journeys to one of the Middle East's most dangerous territories to find the elusive ancient ark that once held the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. His hair-raising adventure through a veritable political minefield ultimately leads Sanders to the Palestinian-controlled village of Djaharya, a reported training ground for the terrorists groups. We follow Sanders as he uncovers clues that he argues may have brought him to the edge of the cherished discovery. Political problems prohibited the full excavation of the site he pinpoints as the likely location, but the evidence is set forth to help you decide if indeed he is finally just one step away from uncovering the priceless ark.

Director: Joel Westbrook, Steve Ruggi
Starring: Michael Sanders

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All Comments (21)
  • @dijonstreak
    what good is it finding The Ten Commandments when no one has found them in their own heart......
  • How could ANYONE have stolen the ark, when God would strike down anyone who touched it?
  • Obeying the 10 Commandments would appear to be much more difficult than actually finding them...
  • @lindahibbs5906
    God will make available the Ark and the covenant IN HIS TIME! Amen!
  • Sanders forgets that the Ark is a Divine artifact belonging 'only' to God so for Sanders to hallucinate that the Pharoh took the Ark is childish. Read what happened to the Philistines who managed to take the Ark outside Israel as bounty, their punishment was so great that the Philistine priests unanimously decided to voluntarily return the Ark to where it belonged and the suffering stopped. Are the Egyptians better than the Philistines?
  • Like the discovery of Noah's ark, The site of The Parting of The Red Sea, personally I for one go with the Late Ron Wyatt's discovery of The Ark Of The Covenant and his explanations to its discovery .
  • I have seen the videos of Ron Wyatt and I believe his account of where the ark is to be true and I do believe that it is there to stay until God wants it revealed to mankind
  • @TheBevandy
    Rev. 11:19: "Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of [a]His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail." The Holy Scriptures has the answer to every question!
  • @tuisteve6825
    Ron Wyatt already discovered the ark of covenant under the cross of christ 20 feet under in Jeremiah's gratto
  • I feel God wants Ark of the Covenant to be not found till Judgement Day if it wasn't melted down 🤔🙏😔❣️To God be the Glory! AMEN
  • I doubt something as holy and powerful as the ark would have been taken or destroyed by any man. Unless you were chose by God or the high priest of the temple anyone who touch the ark would die.
  • @Ryostg
    16:50 They literally were really close to the King. This is absolutely amazing, the gate to the great history.
  • Your first clue should’ve been the fact that the antiquities Minister didn’t want to talk to you for a week. The fact that you weren’t blown up by an IED or taken prisoner is a miracle apart from finding the Ark itself. And when the Antiquities Minister finally sat down with you and told you what you should have already picked up on, instead of acting insolent and offended, you should’ve shrugged your shoulders and asked the GeoTech guy if he wanted a bowl of ice cream or some coffee for the trouble you put him through all week.
  • @agbodanbella93
    Ron White is true christian and true arkeolog. We must respect his memory.
  • I’ve heard so many editions of this story. However, to me it’s always seemed highly Un likely that God would ever have allowed the covenant to ever leave the possession of his people.