Building a Shelter for a full and warm life | Bushcraft wood structure,clay roof & fireplace

Publicado 2022-06-30
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @djcantskate3883
    Gonna address the fact you’re trying to pass it off as using “primitive technology” when you got a whole team and a ton of machinery to help create these builds?
  • @cazvekmusic3076
    What honest and hardworking men, I sure hope they don’t leave “clues” behind
  • @melonhead9278
    Just so everyone knows they use about 10-12 people and it takes them about 3-10 days they also uses excavators to speed up the process
  • What an honest and skilled man, I sure hope he doesn't have a full team of 10 people to help him.
  • Love how he digs a area around 7 meters squared within 3 cuts without breaking a sweat
  • @titorotod
    Friendly reminder that a whole crew of at least 12 people (including an architect) built this in 3-10 days using heavy machinery. Don't forget they don't give a damn about the environment leaving everything there (including cement bags) to rot.
  • @massam9343
    I had huge respect for what you’re able to make until I watched the exposed videos showing that there are empty bags of cement left nearby and plastic tubing as apparently the nearest water source is 6km away. These massive holes are just left for animals (or people if there are any around) to fall in. Once they fall in they have no way of getting back out so they either drown if they are filled with water or starve to death. You need to fill these in once you’ve finished otherwise you’re actually really not nice people. Why don’t you go back and fill them in?
  • @filmhackYT
    What kind of a fish just stays still when removing him from the water? Smells a bit...strange.
  • @zdaman
    Fish is fake. Fish living in a stream cannot be that big
  • @rcg1405
    More like “Modern Technology Idea” 🙀🙀🙀🙀
  • @daddystired
    Where is your excavator? You forgot to leave it in the clip 🤣
  • @SovietWomble
    The fake channels conversation aside and focusing purely on what the video wants to present us - surely using modern forged tools defeats the purpose of what we viewers want to see? The primitive technology niche isn't about someone quietly building stuff. That's just the presentation. The same way a book isn't about turning pages. It's about showing the viewer clever solutions to ancient problems USING primitive technology. Stuff we wouldn't think of, because our heads are full of modern conveniences. "How does he make water safe to drink? Oh, he put large stones into the fire and then use sticks to place them into a clay container of water. Boiling it. Making it safe to drink. Clever!" "How does he make a fire hot enough to make bricks? Oh he makes charcoal. By packing wood tightly under mud to deprive it of air as its heated through. Clever!" "How does he keep the bricks together as the wind picks up? Oh, it turns out you can make a sort of cement with crushed up shells. Clever!" Stick one of us normies out there, though. And say "build a shelter". And the first thing we'd say is "could you pass me the claw hammer and that hacksaw? Thank you". It robs the viewer of what we're here to see. Those moments where we go "huh...clever! I wouldn't have thought of that". That's ultimately the core of what primitive technology is. The ways in which our ancestors survived by being resourceful, innovative and clever.
  • @1KingCoop
    What a hack job!! Glad to see SunnyV2 and others exposing channels like this.
  • @dominate3858
    Wow these people are so good… Hopefully they are not being assisted by other people and machinery.
  • @jaybee5258
    0:31 Just look at him jiggling the fish to make it appear real…. Lmaooo