Published 2024-07-18
Pick A Card July 2024 //Energetic Signature//

Welcome to my channel 13 Moon Tarot! Thank you for sharing your energy. I am so grateful for all your support.

Always remember when watching ANY tarot that YOU are powerful, YOU are magick, YOU are the oracle of your own life and the universe loves you!

Taroscope, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scoprio, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, 1111, Spiritual guidance, spiritual tarot, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, astrology, soulmates, twin flames, new earth, Gaia, portal, gateway, 1313

Mirror Soul Oracle
Sea Foam Witch Oracle
Mystical Shaman Oracle
Aquarian Tarot

🌊 Time Stamps 🌊

0:00 Collective Message
7:46 Group choice
8:00 Group 1 (The Scepter)
37:19 Group 2 (The Storm Caller)
1:08:02 Group 3 (The Undertow)

📷 Instagram: 13moon_Tarot 📷

💖I'm so grateful for all your donations 💖

All Comments (21)
  • Andie, I’ve been dabbling in tarot, personally for 20 something years and only in the last two have I found YouTube tarot and you have been one of my most long lasting, standout incredible readers. Recently I’ve been called to start pulling cards for my clients before sessions (I’m a massage therapist of 23 years) and people have been really loving the readings. I use my pendulum to let spirit show me what decks hold a message for them, and I swear, from watching you and your connection with spirit and the collective energy and how you interpret and find meaning and intuit your way through readings in such a beautiful and open way that I’m now able to do this. You’ve inspired me so much and by watching your readings and getting so much value from them, I’ve learned to trust the cards, communicate more comfortably and actively and intimately with “spirit”, source and my higher self. Words can’t thank you enough. ❤
  • "Give way to the Order of the Storm" is a phrase that really resonates with me. People often forget that a Storm isnt chaotic, but the balancing of a significant imbalance between, literally temperature and pressures, and figuratively between perception and reality. Thank you for your efforts! Much appreciated😊
  • @LilBunbun12
    I feel a strong connection to both Group 1 and 2. Both groups resonated with me deeply, especially Group 2. I found myself in tears during the reading when you mentioned that I don't need to justify myself to anyone and how others may project their own insecurities onto me. When you said that I'm not intentionally causing harm, but rather acting for the greater good, I finally felt understood. Your readings never fail me and bring me so much comfort and peace of mind. Sometimes I question my thoughts and feelings and feel like I'm going insane, but having you validate my thoughts and feelings has been a great help. You're one of the only readers who has always been accurate for me. Thank you so much for the work you do. Your guidance means the world to so many people, including myself. Sending you love and light! 🖤✨
  • @queAnys
    I’m not even baffled anymore that every reading I’m guided to watch from Andy is 1000% tailored to my current situation and it usually reflects exactly what I’m thinking about for past few days 😂 BRILLIANT ❤
  • Pile 2. I'm writing this as a sort of PSA. I'm an energy worker that is devoted to stabilizing and healing Gaia and weather working is a part of that. Before I found out though and still if I get really upset things happen. I will pop a light bulb every single time that I touch a light switch if I'm mad. I can glitch the internet, make the lights flicker, etc. Some people can't resist poking the tiger to see whether it is a kitty. We are NOT kitties and I still struggle with this sometimes. Tigers don't blend, but we are wild and free and beautiful. Blessings!!!
  • @allychar7316
    Group 2: "when I called in the storm they weren't expecting that. Queen of swords, I revealed a harsh truth." That segment was definitely for me because I did just that, it caused a disconnect but it was necessary to clear karma.
  • I’ve changed since last week, since yesterday. One is an intimate connection with the understanding of our physical wants, in this world. These things are all of equal value to the universe. Once we come into wisdom, everything will be available, as easy as it is to take a breath. I see it. It’s amazing! I came to another realization, after listening to weeks worth of your and one other’s readings. Part of my conclusions are based on visitor comments, as well. First of all, I was stunned by the coincidences of every episode I tuned into. Maybe I sound naive. But I don’t care. What I discovered is that we are all different versions of each other. And that might sound simplistic. It makes sense. We’re all made of the same stuff. It relates to a concept that came to me a few years ago. I understand if other people have come to the same conclusion, because we draw from the same creative pool. We are all independent witnesses of the universe. We are different elements that are educating the universe. And one might think that the universe knows everything. But to live and feel it is completely unique and special. The fact that we have free choice is part of the experience. The fact that we can choose between all the ethical options is really love, don’t you think? If we can help swing the world into the positive way. And, in order to be a good influence, all we have to do is feel genuinely good. It improves how we see the world, plus sends out good vibes. It’s like being a happy virus. My isolation has been extremely helpful. Now I’m ready to return to the world. I’ve had three definite upgrades. The first two were stunning feelings that physically and psychologically felt good. The most recent was obvious, but subtle. I’m finding some great ideas for my book, fiction, not as traumatic as my first, which is in the hands of beta readers now. I’m working on a connection, as you said. I’m ready for peace, calm, excitement, exploration, yeah passion, confident and generous conversation. Just to say, I had a long and mostly wonderful marriage that ended because the communication failed. Someone told me, in a long conversation that, in general, we are a culture of dissatisfaction and victim mentality. I blamed society for years. I think, now, it was because I tried to fit in with the accepted format, for most of my adult life. No. Because we’ve been told it’s “just what we do” doesn’t make it right. Look at the state of the world right now! Many believe that the power people will always be in control, and the rest of us are destined to struggle beneath them. I believe I am on the doorstep to something great. The new knowledge is a major key in a line of much greater keys. The stars are coming out. As you know, the stars are all suns, centers of other realities, each star has a uniqueness. Shoot! I’m typing into the next reading…I experience time differently. I’ve always had to be careful before I talk. People react… Well, I better sign off.
  • @RavensBlue143
    The moment you said that “your cat is okay” I was hearing a kitten we have been feeding at work and it worried me but immediately you said this. Right on Andie!
  • @yvonne11115
    Love when I’m DIVINELY guided here within moments of posting 💫🕊️🙌✨🙏💫
  • (I love dropping personal info in your comments) I've been working on an album for years, and literally in the last 3 days all of the lyrics that I've been struggling to express just came right out and I got it all recorded too. I'm couch surfing/homeless but the studio space I need and the food I need has literally been coming out of nowhere... so cool... thanks andie your videos are like a campfire on this long journey
  • Thank you for the message that the cat is safe! That’s important to me. All the best!
  • Anybody else see the orb that floated by from left to right and back to left before it disappeared?❤💯❤
  • Pile 2. Cleaning my room and find a fortune cookie. "a good time to start something new" 😂
  • @danlately9277
    I always know I'm in for a treat when I see you've uploaded a video that's one hour and a half long buckles seatbelt and throws a popcorn in my mouth
  • @justin6ist
    You tapped right in today... Scary accurate
  • @danlately9277
    When you said D.O I was shook because I've been told by a clairvoyant through an Akashic Records reading that the letters D.O make up my soul/energetic signature 🤯
  • @danlately9277
    When you said 27 my jaw dropped as I'm currently 27 and my grandad who passed last year was born on 27th December, mind blown!!
  • @amyhisted9648
    Without our experiences we wouldn't be who we are! In every lesson is a blessing 🙌 🙏 ✨️