Is Magnifico Really A Villian?

Published 2024-04-11

All Comments (21)
  • I agree it is on the people who willingly gave up their wishes and whine that they haven't granted it yet. The people of Rosa fit the sins of Greed and Sloth.
  • @dontribal739
    See but Asha said that when you give up the wish, you "forget without regret". Why Simon looking like he had regret the whole time? 🤨🤨🤨 hmmmmmm 😄
  • @shineyluna1268
    We stan our tired wizard king. Also i agree, Asha has a SUPER pretty design. Look up Princess Asha au fanart, its gorgeous!
  • @Beangod
    I never noticed that Asha never got an outfit change until you mentioned it. Crazy.
  • @LadyDragonbane
    15:34 Apparently the songwriter wasn't given any information about the story when she was writing the songs, and At All Costs was originally a love song... So it makes sense that nothing makes sense
  • Great video, and I agree that Asha should have gotten a costume change. Magnifico isn't a villain, but the weird thing is it's easy to imagine how they could have made him a villain. Like if he did demand that people give him the wishes instead of it being voluntary, or if the city had a lot of poverty but he stayed in charge by granting just enough wishes that everyone was like "Yes we have problems but what if MY wish is granted next? We can't get rid of Magnifico!" Instead he's just . . .a pretty reasonable guy who altruistically grants wishes.
  • @Crystal-lz6bm
    Magnifico was honestly justified in being entitled. Look, if i spent decades making sure my citizens were happy and protected, i would also be upset if they never once said a genuine "thank you" and kept asking me for more things. Magnifico was a man that was taken advantage of and eventually broke down
  • @AndragonLea
    NGL, to me Asha is the villain. Magnifico invented wish magic, he's under no obligation to use it. He built a kingdom where there was nothing, so nobody who lives in Rosas does so under duress. They came there explicitly because they wanted Magnifico to grant their wishes. He doesn't promise to grant any one wish at a specific time, or at all. He promises to grant whichever ones he thinks best and keep the others safe. Now, it could be argued that maybe his judgement of which wish to keep is flawed. Or that maybe he should give the wishes he knows he won't grant back. The problem is that they didn't show any sign that he's being, well, evil. No desperate people being thrown out of the castle because they annoyed the king with their begging. No people being herded to a ship because they refused to hand over their wishes but wanted to stay with their family, who had. No people being hunted down for refusing to hand the wish over and staying in hiding. No scene of Magnifico consuming wishes until AFTER he turned to dark magic, which he only did AFTER Asha started threatening to take the wishes he is safeguarding. No guards suppressing unruly citizens that want to storm the castle to retrieve the wishes he holds. He's a decent man who built a kingdom of happy, well-fed and protected people who overreacted to a threat because of past trauma.
  • To answer the question of the Peter Pan and Snow White references... It was the 100 year anniversary, so of course they would feel the need to shoehorn their legacy in a way that's more obvious than usual. Even if the reference itself doesn't make any sense (Peter Pan's supposed to be a kid, no older than 12 or 13, while "Peter" doesn't look a day under 16).
  • @sayualucky
    You're opinions are agreeable! and to be real for me I'm quite mad that there's no romantic interest- I miss the cutie romance that Disney would make in their movies time to time!
  • The part that really upsets me in the movie was her trying to please everyone even if it men’t starting a WAR!
  • @user-fi7vz1dy5h
    As a small YouTuber (and quite young one) that has also seen the movie about a week ago,I personally don't think that Magnifico is that much of a vilian until he gets so upset and does the whole "This is the thanks I get!?" song and use the evil magic. And Asha not only manipulates her friends into thinking that Magnifico is in the wrong just because he thinks that a lot of the wishes are dangerous and is trying to protect Rosas,she also makes Queen Amaya side with her. To me,she's kinda unlikeable,even tho I see why she would say that,but still. Also,her voice annoys me. Like,a lot.
  • @shadowbuddy8034
    To be fair to the princess part, I believe Mulan is considered a Disney princess as well, and she also remains a commoner even after the story. I could be wrong about her being considered a Disney princess, free to correct me! But otherwise I very much agree with many parts of the video!
  • @L-W-ko1hn
    1 asha is not a princes 2 her cape is the fairy godmothers cape since shes supposed to be her
  • @Nopeasaurus
    So glad you pointed as Asha's design because I don't hear anyone talking about that. I love what they did with her face. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but Disney tends to make their female characters look like babies, with ridiculously large eyes, button noses, and button noses without a bridge. Take a look at Elsa and Anna from Frozen--they are by far the worst example of this, they look like this weird fusion of woman and infant. Aisha looks different from this, while yes she has a cute face with big eyes, she actually has a nose bridge, her eyes aren't taking up 90% of her face, and her face is proportioned like a teenager--not a weird infant with the body of a woman. Her facial design is probably the best I've seen so far. But they did her so dirty with that dress. She looks like she's wearing rags. Where is the color? The vibrancy? The fun little details? No embroidery, lace, ribbon, or embellishment? And as much as I like the long hair, she would've looked a little more memorable if they braided her hair and weaved some flowers between each braid. It's a shame because character design is so important in animation, its what makes a character stand out, makes you want to know more about them, makes you want to buy their merch because they look so good. Aisha's design is so flat and lifeless, just like her personality. They did her so dirty.
  • @delenefalcon2915
    Idk but giving up your dreams to a king looks like voting at 18 you vote but never quite get what you want.
  • The Katniss reference😂 I can't say you're wrong🤷‍♀️ The story had A LOT of interesting plot points that it SHOULD have been explored instead, but chose this jumbled storyline & forgettable characters instead. You raise so many good points.
  • No shade but I feel like aura is the most forgetful princess to me at least the main Disney princesses
  • @KTheKrusader
    Such a great first video! I agreed with a lot of our opinions as well! I feel like Asha as a character could have had so much potential had she been written better- and the whole plot of the movie as well, let’s face it. I never thought I’d say I really disliked a Disney Princess until Wish came out (And what’s worse is that she’s rumored to join the official Princess lineup at some point 😖). It makes me prefer Raya over her in terms of recent Disney Princesses and that’s saying something cause I could not stand Raya at first- but at least she’s the daughter of a chief and had a genuine personality aside from being quirky and obnoxious like Asha and nothing else. I’m all for quirky characters in movies, but only if that’s not their whole personality, you know? Also you’re not trippin’ about Asha’s outfit either- while I do like that it’s a color other than the standard neutral ones peasants often wear in movies, I was really disappointed by it in terms of Disney Princess outfits- like that set of rags is not gonna be iconic like the dresses the other princesses are wearing. Anything that screams “I’m fighting starvation in District 12 on Reaping Day” is not gonna be remembered for years to come 🤣🤣🤣