
The proper way to calculate the Curve of the earth and distinguish from "Drop from a Tangent Line". Music from

コメント (11)
  • @fukyt
    Flat earthers have left the chat 😂
  • All aviation charts use the flat plane, non spinning Earth model. Show me just one real Earth bound engineer who takes in account the alleged Earth curve, just one. No pilot does. No submariner does. No surveyors do. No rail road engineer does. No bridge engineer does. The only official world map is the flat Earth map. No one has ever used a globe for real navigation. No one has ever entered the alleged curve into any navigation problem or flight plan. The Spinning Globe Earth model only exists in the warped exoteric mind of the fantasy world. If it is real then give me just one real Earth bound example. Forget the outer space rockets and alien flying saucers with exotic math that takes four years to “comprehend”. I bet you can’t. Godspeed.
  • @artisorak
    soooooooo... what is your point? also, you used beautiful trigonometry in the first part, why stop then? also be careful, the distance between two people is measured along the surface of the earth and not th direct way through the ground
  • HAHAHA I love the way you destroyed the flat Earther on a TopTenz video comment thread, then I came here and saw your spat with this guy. Sir, you are my new hero. I have many questions about space and how we get there, and what you've seen. If anything else, you have someone in your corner. I'm familiar with the difference between speed and angular momentum, as well as the inability to feel speed. but to be honest, I don't really know what else I know until asked, if that makes any sense.... please keep making videos when you can, we need people with your knowledge to share what you know, to benefit future generations so that we may get rid of this "theory" and use actual science and technology to focus on advancing humanity.
  • Just out of curiosity how does your math work with three people spread out with 3-5 miles in between each person? Does the middle person look up hill on one side and down hill on the other? Or is he leaning forward constantly so he is always pointing up hill? If this is the case it will open a whole new can of worm. Or is he in a never ending divot and is always surrounded by the uphill curvature of the earth? I have been trying to debunk the flat earth for quite awhile, I thought it was going to be super easy, but as of right now there is way more evidence proving the earth is flat. please help me understand this logic of math. Thanks
  • ★ Oh this is rich. It is going to be fun rubbing your science in your face, with my Denver Tshirt "Denver - The 190 Mile High City". This is going to be epic. lol.
  • I have a friend of me said how fuse move in space there's vacuum space so law of Neuton not applicable there
  • Right from the start you are in error. The "equator" is too big. Ship logs easily PROVE this. The excerpt that follows is not exactly for you since it is beyond your comprehension level: "In the "Cruise of H.M.S, Challenger," by W. J. J. Spry, the distance made good from the Cape of Good Hope to Melbourne is stated to be 7,637 miles. The Cape is in latitude 34° 31' south and Melbourne in latitude 37° south, the longitude of the Cape being 18° 30' east and Melbourne 145° east. The middle latitude is 35½°. Difference of longitude 126½°, which makes the distance round the world at that latitude (35½°) to be over 25,000 statute miles and as great as the equator is said to be. This latter distance is many thousand miles more than the purely theoretical measurement of the world at that latitude south. Thus we see on reliable evidence that the further we go south the greater is the distance round the world. This latter distance is many thousand miles more than the purely theoretical measurement of the world at that latitude south. From the same work, we find the distance from Sydney to Wellington to be 1,432 miles. The middle latitude is 37½°, and the difference of longitude 23° 36', which gives as the distance round the world at latitude 37½° south, 25,500 statute miles! This distance is again greater than the greatest distance round the "globe" is said to be and many thousands of miles greater than could be the case on a globe. Thus, on purely practical data, apart from any theory, the world is proved to diverge as the south is approached and not to converge, as it would do on a globe." last paragraph on this page:
  • haha earths radius, circumference , who the fuck figured that data to be true????google ... ha