The Problem with Neuvillette. (Genshin Impact 4.4 Lore and Theory)

Published 2024-01-23
#genshinimpact #genshinlore #neuvillette

4.4 for genshin impact almost here so I want one last Neuvillette video before we peace out to chenyu vale and see whats poppin over there. till then maybe I do a strength lore tier list I think that could be fun, or bad well see lol. anyway talking about Neuvillette, rules and how the fatui harbinger childe was treated by neuvillette after being found guilty earlier in the archon quest for fontaine.


0:00 Intro
0:23 Neuvillette Hypocritical?
1:03 Childe vs Neuvillette
3:47 Neuvillette vs Sustainer of Heavenly Principles
4:45 Neuvillette Goals
6:00 Apep

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #childe

All Comments (21)
  • Neuvillette's principles were completely changed after Focalors's death,so the phrase "justice for thee not for me" doesn't apply here.He just sees the world through a different perspective now.
  • @Mani-oc6cy
    People keep using the defense Neuvillette was apart of that unfair system and had no part in creating the laws, therefore he can avoid criticism/judgement... its like we've conveniently forgotten the Archons are under that SAME EXACT circumstance as well, yet Neuvillette still deems it fit to criticize them for the SAME things (what the heavenly principles did before all of the archons were even born + what the HP FORCED the archons to abide by lest their lands get nooked). this double standards or....
  • Though I totally do agree with you, it is kinda hypocritical, one also has to see the fact that Neuvilette does not exactly seem to want "war" or that he is truly ambitious towards doing it. I mean, he did say it himself in his Voiceline about Zhongli, that the judgement he is always speaking of is not supposed to entail physical disputes. He's not saying he wants to fight anyone, he intends to literally "judge" (as in, in a court of sorts) those that today hold the stolen Authority of the Sovereigns.
  • @jordanmayne2270
    "the PRIMORDIAL ONE, a PROGENITOR god hailing from beyond the stars" why didn't-
  • @user-sk2se8lm1j
    A few things. Neuvillette primarily addressed the Traveler when he spoke of twisted rules and injustice, not himself. He wasn't bitching but rather encouraging them to step up and do the right thing because he himself knows that the rules are, indeed, twisted and warped. He says something similar in his other voice lines and in his demo (about the law and the rules, I mean). He is fully aware of the disconnect between the regulations and the reality of a situation EVEN AS he enforces those rules. Because...if he cannot change the system or fight it, which he could not for the longest time, then the next best thing is to be part of the system and ensure that it is run as smoothly as possible. When Childe was sentenced he was not pleased. He did seek to correct that wrong, so to somehow paint him as this out-of-touch hypocrite is unfair to his character. What he did, or at least tried, was to work within the system he had no power to alter. Also, it's one thing to fight a senseless fight (what Childe tried to do) and another to go to war you have a chance of winning, and it all has to do with the right time and the right circumstances. And funny enough, had he tried to be aggressive with the Hydro Acrhon he would've ruined her plan to save Fontaine. A plan she could not share because deception was a part of it, even to the point of deceiving herself (aka. Furina). Everything depended on Neuvillette not taking drastic measures into his own hands. As for his grievances with Phanes... don't all who are important to the plotline have a bone to pick with him? And it was never really about the conditions of the world per se. It's not like the Traveler is suffering either. If they so chose they could "forget" about their sibling and just enjoy the lovely world of Teyvat as it is. Except they can't because who would give up on their sibling and the injustice they faced simply because Teyvat is actually a pretty nice place and everyone loves the Traveler? Same with Neuvillette. How can he forget everything that happened? He can't. Apep couldn't either she just chose to do nothing. And now that Neuvillette does have the power to change things he moves into action, just as he advised the Traveler to do (which makes him the opposite of a hypocrite if you ask me). It's... it's not that simple, the situation is complicated. And we still don't know enough about Teyvat but what we do know is that it is indeed a prison for all that are trapped in it. Fighting to get out and restore the world is a just goal.
  • @radiantbunny
    Praise be to our ever-benevolent and kind Lord Phanes! Nah but seriously- I did not notice the parallels between Neuvillette and The Sustainer of all people. Funnily enough, Arrlechino does actually throw some shade at him too. It gets overshadowed by the total darkness she eclipsed Furina in, but if you listen to her in the 1rst tea party scene, you can hear her subtly dissing the both of them. But yeah, I did wonder if Neuvillette even had any right to go after the Archons, because it does seem to be 'guilt by proxy' for them as well- Nahida wasn't even born during the Archon War and had no choice in receiving the Authority of Dendro, but nah, she's still culpable in his books. Really, the Archons at large have been trying to make the best of really bad situations, and while they have certainly screwed up, so has Neuvillette. If he were to hold the Archons accountable for their failings, someone must also hold him accountable for his own. (Also, funny how he mentions his oath to the Dragon Race, when the only god to even commit any injustice against the Dragons, Orabashi, was kinda already taken care of by the Shogun.)
  • @driplord6150
    Call an ambulance, because dawit just cooked neuvillette 😂😂😂😂
  • @bangtanssera
    bro is a HUGE hypocrite he goes on all fours to hate on archons only to obey and fulfill archon's duty because furina retired tho i love him this way cause he seems as a kid who tries his powers in politics for this first time only to realize it is not as simple as he wishes it to be
  • @agopessimist1335
    To be fair to Neuvillette, there are some suspicious things concerning the Heavenly Principles and Phanes that do need to be accounted for. 1. Erosion. Based on Zhongli’s dialogue it seems that that kind of process was either forced onto long-living people and gods like him, or it was an ingrained feature of the world that Phanes imparted onto the world, and it has been punishing gods and Dragons in unequal proportions. Zhongli is one of the oldest characters in the lore, and despite being Celestia’s yes-man and complying with his contract with them, he is still punished with Erosion. Plus, if we assume that Azdaha is the Geo-Sovereign, the comment that Phanes held no ill-will towards the dragon race isn’t wuite correct, as Azhdaha was heavily affected by Erosion. Even Venti has to go to sleep for centuries at a time to stave it off, and Ei abandoned her body for meditation in order to avoid it too. And though Nahida is young, given enough time she’ll likely be affected by it as well assuming she never shrinks again. Why would Phanes set up Erosion in a world that doesn’t need it, and which only punishes long-living beings? 2. Why did the Archon War even happen in the first place? Was it really necessary for Phanes to have all his fragments kill each other for pieces of a Descender, one that even the Archons don’t want? Not to mention how thousands of its own precious humans were killed or suffered immensely because of that conflict. We also have places like Sumeru where the Archon War either didn’t happen or was resolved peacefully (Sumeru and maybe Fontaine as well). What was the point of it all? To cull gods who wouldn’t be able to handle the strain or guilt of holding onto a piece of flesh? 3. Why is all life on Teyvat bound by ‘fate’? Nearly everywhere in the story we see Fate described in a negative manner, and even the power of prophecy had been weaponized by Celestia before. Wouldn’t the Primordial One want his creations to have free will? Even Neuvillette isn’t a fan of this system, though he is a biased party. 4. Why did Phanes (or someone else?) sentence Orobaxi to death for looking up his origins? Orobaxi isn’t Nibelung, and he was much weaker than Morax and Baal, so why should Celestia fear what he would learn? Orobaxi just wanted the people of Enkanomiya to live happily, not rebel against him. Unless Phanes has a natural hatred for Dragons and serpents (makes sense given the Gnostic/Judeo-Christian themes and inspirations. Just look at the picture of the Genesis Pearl and the snake). 5. Lastly, with the recent story events in Honkai and the eerily similar concepts and story beats they have concerning Creator Gods constantly restarting the worlds they create in Samsara cycles and killing so many people, you have to wonder why Khaenri’ah and the Fatui are distrustful of him. Especially since both parties have secret knowledge that no one else should know. Oh yeah, Neuvillette is heavily biased, but there’s also a lot that needs to be addressed concerning Phanes and his ultimate plan for humanity
  • @Sacration
    Its the Dragon Sovereigns slander that keeps me here 😂
  • I don't exactly know if Zhongli really counts as "Dragon" in such an example, since he very much isn't of the Vishap (Neuvilette, Azhdaha and Apep are) race.
  • Bruh, I was thinking the same thing today. Thanks to the Oratrice, Neuvillete is never put in a position where he is in the wrong. Since the machine always makes the right call, no matter how questionable, We never have to call into question his decisions or world view. Had the Fontaine Archon Quest focused more on the effects of the Justice system, we could have gotten a bit more exploration on both the positive and negative effects Neivillete has on Fontaine as its Chief Justice, and not just about him being a sad dragon who can’t handle taking an L. However, Thanks to the prophecy taking center stage, Neuvillete and Furina get a pass for their actions as leaders of their nation. The court being treated as a drama, a machine that determines wether you are innocent or not, people living in the sewers, an appeal court in the form of a duel to the death,Childe getting charged with BS charges and child trafficking are elements that i would’ve liked explored a bit more, however doing so would call attention to Furina’s and Neuvillete’s leadership, and since we have to like them because waifu and husbando need to sell, it gets brushed aside. Side Note: The prophecy didn’t make sense to me. If Celestia wanted to punish Egira and her people, why wait 500 years to do it and not just nuke them and be done with? Why bank on a creature from the Abyss to do the job, especially since the Space Whale leaves tears in reality that could’ve destroyed or left long lasting damage to Teyvat if Skirk didn’t show up in time? Not only that, but Focalor pretty much put a target on Neuvillete’s head. As soon as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles (along with her princi-pals) return from their vacation in Belize, they’re gonna have questions for sniffles the dragon so he’s gonna get his wish of throwing hands with the divine wether he wants to or not. (I might be overestimating Celestia’s reach and gaze but I find it kinda hard to believe that they wouldn’t have noticed something off about Furina over the centuries) The AQ resolution was super lame as well. Not only does the Space Whale get one shoted via cutscene, but we finally get to meet Skirk who has one of the worst character introductions I’ve seen in a while. Seriously, she just shows up, says a bunch of names, we dip and then Neuvillete drops the lore bomb on us that we could’ve been present for. And don’t get me started on the Meropeide chapters (aka the worst filler season of Naruto I’ve ever played)
  • @pyroglyph_
    "What gives him the right to go around judging people [if he was not involved in the initial fight btw dragons and usurper]?" answer: the authority he gained when Focalors destroyed the Hydro Archon's throne. "he had no intention of judging anyone before regaining his authority, but now that he has it back, he decides to judge everyone" (paraphrased, didn't feel like copying exactly) uhh yeah, because now he has his authority. Think of it as a job promotion. Before you get promoted to manager, you can't order other employees around. But once you have that authority, you can. Neuvillette's authority as a Dragon Sovereign gives him the right to judge all people just as it gave the Hydro Archon the right to judge. "no one gave him the right, he took it" No. Focalors gave it back to him. bro's calling character development hypocritical. In a sense, it is, if we ignore all the story that happened between when we first met Neuvillette and when he recieves his authority.
  • @KracOfficial
    This is the first time I've binged on Genshin Content. Dawit you're able to effortlessly incorporate humour and information into one video which is such a lovely natural talent to inherit thank you for making my morning a lot better.
  • @burstlogic3457
    Neuvillette needs to sit the fuck down. Even Apep admitted that those who won the war has the RIGHT to rule tyvat. She also said it in a way that suggests this was a well known principle that was possibly known throughout the universe. The dragons lost on home turf with a numbers advantage and cheated by bringing forbidden knowledge and the PRIMORDIAL ONE still won far and square because he’s the GOAT. Neuvi has no right or basis to judge the gods for anything. He should be judging the dragons for cheating and poisoning the world with forbidden knowledge.
  • @PowerPunk31590
    Knowing Chile he will just want a rematch Neuvillette again