Guarani indigenous people: discover the Amazon Indians living at the edge of Rio de Janeiro

Published 2021-04-24
Guarani are an American indigenous peoples and one of the Amazon tribes. Come with us and discover their aboriginal culture as we travel to the edge of Rio de Janeiro, where this Brazilian native tribe is keeping its traditions and its language alive.

00:00 At the edge of Rio de Janeiro, meet the Guarani Amazon tribe
01:39 The wealthy neighbours don’t like living next to a Guarani indigenous community
02:36 The Guarani children all go to their own school, where they learn topics including their indigenous culture
04:25 The Guarani church is where the God Tupã is worshipped, an important part of their indigenous religion
05:29 This Guarani village is sacred land for the indigenous community
07:10 Daily life of Guarani tribe includes crafting by hand and fishing in Itaipu Lagoon
08:57 The Itaipu Lagoon provides fish, shrimps and crabs to the Guarani tribe
09:49 Tattoos have important symbology in the Guarani culture
11:43 A welcome to visit the Guarani for yourself – in the Guarani language
14:09 The Guarani were the first people to live on this land, and their ancestral cemetary proves it
16:08 The Guarani children help to make dinner by collecting and crushing pitanga fruit
16:53 How the Guarani live inside their huts
17:42 The Guarani: living on the fringes of what is now a huge city, this great Amazon tribe community

INSIDE THE TRIBE - Documentary Series:    • INSIDE THE TRIBE - Documentary Series  

Country: Brazil
Region: Rio de Janeiro
City: Camboinhas
Gps: 22°57'59.56"S 43° 2'50.75"O

We are Domenico and Giulia; two adventurers, filmmakers, documentarians travelling the world to discover, understand, and tell the story. Kiss From The World is dedicated to creating high quality non-fiction content that informs and entertains its viewers about the world in all its wonder, diversity and vibrancy.

BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • @corinad404
    my dad is gaurani and we live in texas 👍🏻 he is teaching me the language now. he lived in paraguay 🇵🇾 but immigrated to texas at 15. he keeps my brother and I connected to our culture.
  • @alocarioca
    I’m a proud Carioca and don’t mind my Guarani neighbors across the Bay. We should all live in Peace. This is a beautiful Documentary!
  • Beautiful , been watching guarani docs for a while but they are old docs, this was like a treat and glad they’re still thriving!
  • @francovolpe5306
    Guarani un popolo meravilioso pacifico dove dobbiamo imparare tanto da loro la loro saggezza e il loro rispetto per la natura un abbraccio di vero cuore dallITALIA se un giorno verrò a RIO verrò a salutarvi per me sarà un onore stingervi colcuore la mano in segno di vero rispetto e fratellanza
  • @cambodianfood
    Nice video, thank you for sharing. Keep in touch friend
  • Very interested in the Guaraní people i descend from the Guaraní in Corrientes Argentina
  • @deedeemccue5363
    Can you please help me find this interpreter? This is my tribe and I need to go home. If you find who this interpreter is, please respond to this message.
  • @deedeemccue5363
    Can you please hell me find this interpreter? This is my tribe and I have to go home
  • @lberylanne4169
    Je souhaite une longue vie dans leurs traditions à ces merveilleuses personnes qui peuplaient l'Amérique du Sud bien avant JC et qui malheureusement sont encore invisibles sur leurs terres pour tellement de blancs ou de noirs. Ne nous leurrons pas, leur imposer notre civilisation ne va pas les rendre plus intelligents, meilleurs ou plus riches car ils le sont déjà depuis toujours mais ça va, je l'espère, les aider à ne plus se faire duper par les descendants des colons et à préserver leurs droits bafoués depuis quelques 400 ans. J'ai été heureuse de parler et partager avec les peuples des premières nations tant du Nord que du Sud. J'espère pouvoir un jour vous rencontrer chez vous et partager votre vie comme je la partage depuis presque 6 ans dans une réserve des premières nations au Canada. 🕊💕
  • @satanshameer690
    Amerindians are a mixture of Paleo Siberians and Neo Siberians