Warren Buffett: A "Storm is Brewing" in the Stock Market (40% Stock Market Decline)

Published 2024-06-07
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Warren Buffett is prepping for a staggering 55 trillion dollar storm that has been brewing in the stock market for the last 15 years. Buffett’s favorite stock market indicator is flashing alarm bells, warning that a 40% decline in the stock market could happen any day now. For background, Buffet is by far the most closely followed investor in the entire world. Every move he makes is scrutinized to the very smallest detail. However, it’s not what Buffett IS doing now that has people worried. It’s actually the opposite. As weird as it may sound, it’s what Buffett ISN’T doing that has people incredibly nervous. Make sure to stick around to the end of this video to find out how you can protect yourself from what’s ahead. Here’s what Buffett had to say at the recent Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder’s meeting when asked why he had been selling stocks and piling up cash.

Warren Buffett is universally regarded as the greatest investor of all time. However, he has been eerily quiet as of late when it comes to buying stocks. In fact, Buffett has even been selling billions of dollars worth of Apple stock, a company just a couple years ago was considered one of his quote “forever” holdings. As a result, Buffett’s cash pile at Berkshire Hathaway has hit a staggering 189 billion dollars. Leaving many people to believe he is building up cash to prepare for an upcoming stock market crash. In gray here, we have the Berkshire Hathaway cash pile by quarter from the years 1996 to 2018. The orange line represents the price of the S&P 500 during that same time period. For reference, the S&P is an index consisting of 500 of the largest publicly traded companies listed in the United States. It is generally considered a proxy for the US stock market.

Buffett has repeatedly said in public venues that it is impossible to time the market. However, this may be an example of the old saying “do as I say, not as I do”. As we can see here, despite Buffett professing that he never tries to time the stock market, he surely does always seems to have a large amount of cash ready to buy stocks when the market crashes

All Comments (21)
  • You will miss a lot of good opportunities to make money online if you don’t have money.
  • In the first video of Buffett (starting at 1:25) Buffett speaks of Charlie Munger in the present tense, but Munger died in late November of 2023. Obviously this video is using dated footage to support the notion of an imminent occurrence. While I agree that a contraction is coming fairly soon (most likely shortly after the next national election) when the title of the video specifies that it will be 40%, then you know you're dealing with clickbait. Doomsaying sure sells well, doesn't it? To the content producers at Investor Center: please tell us, how fantastic does clickbaition feel?
  • If you wanna be successful, you most take responsibility for your emotions, not place the blame on others. In addition to make you feel more guilty about your faults, pointing the finger at others will only serve to increase your sense of personal accountability. There's always a risk in every investment, yet people still invest and succeed. You must look outward if you wanna be successful in life.
  • I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises of plummeting stocks which were once revered and i don't know where to go here out of devastation.
  • @hillaryrowland1
    My strategy is buy quality stocks, expect to hold no matter what, pay up but don't over pay, keep track, sell rarely, be ready to course correct.
  • @thare2597
    The billions in "cash" are actually buying T-bills at 5.4% a return. Also mentioned at the latest meeting.
  • @DIYDaveT
    But but but wait! Buffet has been telling us NOT to time the markets for all these decades, and now he is, YES, timing the market. That's what market timing is! You hoard cash because you think stocks are too expensive and not enough growth. So I tell you all, if Buffet is out, I'm out.
  • @chrisaustin6255
    Clearly Buffet has changed his view over the years. If he is selling a forever stock then it can't be a forever stock
  • @TheSirkarl101
    Of course the market is overvalued. My 78 year old father in law thinks something is seriously wrong as his retirement pension just keeps going up while prices keep skyrocketing.
  • @Schneiw
    Only 40%? The stock price of S&P is 5x the book value. That's a bubble, and all bubbles pop eventually.
  • @kengvue833
    Basically what he is saying is sell your stocks now before it crashes and then rebuy stocks when it’s cheap…not hard to understand
  • @Steven-nd1pz
    I took Charlotte Miller's advice, and as a result I'm now broke and live under a bridge. Thanks a lot Charlotte.
  • @ge8032
    Just vor viewers interested for what I assume is original footage at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INztpkzUaDw . Becky is reading the question from Johan Halen at 2:21:38, which is in the video presented by InvestorCenter at 00:01:10. Going through the Transcript from the original footage, there is no "Storm is brewing" and no "40% Stock Market Decline". Going through the transcript of the video presented here a 40% decline is mentioned by InvestorCenter at 00:13:45, as a conclusion by InvestorCenter comparing the Buffet Indicator with current GDP figures respectively the current size of the US economy, which I find is reasonable to do. At 14:55 there is the word "storm" used by InvestorCenter to promote another video by InvestorCenter with footage about how Warren Buffet sees the real estate market. However - The title of this video: "Warren Buffett: A "Storm is Brewing" in the Stock Market (40% Stock Market Decline)" suggested to me it beeing an original quote of Warren Buffet, which seems to me now is not at all the case. Now I can understand better why some viewers may consider this video clickbait intended. I find this video beginning at around 11:50 instructive.
  • @patricks8364
    Looks like the video on Buffett has been edited. Look at the pauses.
  • @mayalucia-
    Stocks in the short term look more likely to move downward. I Just inherited $500k which I Look forward to invest. what stocks should I look into as a newbie to safely grow my money?
  • Its buy low sell high based on value, not based on time. Just so happens best value deals present themselves after. a crash.
  • @metaphor4539
    This video comes across as concocted! Something is really off here.
  • @WondrousEarth
    This video has an unreal number of ads which pop up.