'Nobody should have to die like that': Elderly couple in Fresno dies amid extreme heat wave

Published 2024-07-16
'Nobody should have to die like that': Elderly couple in Fresno dies amid extreme heat wave

All Comments (21)
  • Parents become like kids and they need the same care they provide you when you were an infant. Call your parents daily. Also dont forget about your elderly neighbors. RIP
  • So easy to avoid!!!! ☹ Rhonda, check up on your parents. Do not rely on neighbors, sons and daughter or grand kids follow up on your loved ones.
  • @ACm1510
    Check on your parents! Stop playing the victim.
  • My mom suffered from dementia. I’d already resigned from my job to spend weekdays with her while my dad was at work. They went to their beach house on weekends. One day dad told me what he thought was a “funny” story of leaving my mom locked in the house (so she wouldn’t wander away). He turned off the a/c to save money on a very hot day. Mom no longer knew how to turn on the a/c. It got so hot in the house she called 911 and the police broke in and turned the a/c on for her. It was really frightening… especially my father’s absolute cluelessness about the dangers of the situation. That’s when I realized I needed to be with her 7 days a week. So I made the 2.5 hour drive to the beach every weekend in addition to spending weekdays with her. My sisters, who lived much closer to their beach house, just avoided the situation. Keep an eye on your elderly parents.
  • Bruh, ain’t no way my folks would go through that. Not relying on no dam neighbors. Rip 🕊️
  • @LoloO42
    OR, you could call your own parents and then a neighbor or police for a welfare check. Of course, she's right on it when it comes to setting up a "fund," though. Makes no damn sense.
  • @bruce8808
    🙏My sympathies to the daughter for the loss of her parents. Elderly people with multiple health issues need a caregiver to look after them especially during a heatwave.
  • Why was the power out? The power must stay on in these mobile home parks. It gets far too hot inside.
  • People need to quit blaming the daughter. She lived in another state. Condolences to her.
  • @MsGenXodus
    My step dad got cancer during Covid and he and my mom hid it from everyone. It wasn't until he was on death's door that I realized that something was going on. I worked in "essential" retail during covid, so visits were restricted to phone calls on opposite sides of the patio door. I'm sure that if this daughter knew how bad it was, she would have done something. Even elderly people who are suffering from alzheimer's can conceal their symptoms pretty effectively. My mom now has dementia, and although she has progressed quite a bit in the last year, she was really good at hiding symptoms by claiming to be feeling ill when her mind was giving her trouble. These days, she can't remember that she has a diagnosis.
  • People are forgetting an important detail. MANY parents resent and resist kids getting bossy and trying to take over their lives checking on them like they were children. Even well meaning children. Unfortunately, having been in healthcare for 50 years there are more malevolent interest from kids or excessive control attempts from kids than kids being available to help and respecting by keeping a respectful distance and NOT try to take over like a dictator. That is rare. MANY adults and elderly fear that letting them get too nosey is opening the door for coup attempts and may not always answer the phone, or welcome concern. Sometimes it's BEST for the elderly to distance themselves, and sometimes not. WE don't know their concerns. Whether reasonable or not, or even present. Dr Laura's mother was dead months before she was found, and Weird Al's parents died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Unless invited, kids need to not impose themselves on their parents and if something goes wrong its not their fault. Parents are not minors. What are your adult children doing this moment? How about your parents? Are they alive right this minute? You really don't know unless they CHOOSE to have you with them..
  • We have a lady right now dying from heat. Her family is putting her on comfort care. Her house was 112 degrees inside. Her internal temperature was 108. Her husband works and she's home alone, disabled. There's ways to cool off and people need to eyeball each other in this weather. Neighbors need to reach out to each other.
  • I'm sorry for the daughter losing her parents. May they rest in peace. However, she has to be accountable its her responsibility to check on her parents and make sure they've what they need.Those are her parents.
  • @Nottallblonde
    Please tell me how that Daughter didn’t check on her parents during a heatwave? This story is very fishy to me.
  • @bandido7994
    And why was the power out when she arrived? In the interview the fans are working fine, or is that a different home?
  • My grandparents have an air conditioner but they don’t use it cause paw said it costs too much I’m always checking up on them rip