Several Valley cities experiencing feral cat ‘crisis’

Published 2024-06-19
Feral cats are becoming overpopulated in several Valley cities.

All Comments (11)
  • God blesses our neighborhood with 2 pregnant feral cats 16 yrs ago, no mice, no scorpions,no rats during a time i counted over 12 vacant homes close to home. 2 mice in their liftime can produce one million mice. Thank you Father God for you protection and lots of precious moments. 3 cat left 14yr old mother and her two 13 yrs family. I love them great company❤
  • @kgolem79
    This makes me furious. WHY? Because in 2016, 17, 18, we told "sorry" cant do anything. Phx, tempe said No Funding"
  • I volunteer in cat rescue, and the biggest problem is affordable vet care, including spay and neutering and not allowing pets in rental homes. This results in people abandoning and dumping their cats. The state should subsidize spay and neutering services to make it free and people should be allowed to have pets as they are allowed to have human children. Pets are family members and children do more damage than a cat will. Please change the laws to make spay/neuter free and to allow pets in rentals
  • @Jabberwockey
    I live in Arkansas and our neighborhood is overrun by feral cats. At least 25 I’ve counted. I wish we had a TNR program.
  • @cathyshappyr
    Az has no heart 😢😢😢😢let alone animals, homeless people just as bad
  • @elidee2914
    Thank to cats we are not being eaten by rats.
  • @palomavega604
    Out there are many billionaire millionaire people who, of course are too busy with their head somewhere else could contribute this like a drop in the bucket for them and help get this on track everywhere. It’s my fervent promise that if I buy a lottery ticket, which is rare, but if I do and I win, I will be looking for things like this to subsidize. It’s so important these poor little lives Suffer when they are wild and on the streets and so does the whole community and it disrupts the ecosystem and everything when anything goes out of balance human beings are the perpetrators of out of balance if we disappeared, you know nature would take care of itself, but may we have bigger brains, but shouldn’t we use them properly ?
  • @Julesy980
    Our transformation into a third world country is complete 😢