Anti-Mormons Completely Changed Their Attacks In The First 4 Years Of Church Existence

Published 2024-05-15

All Comments (17)
  • Nice video, I hadn't thought of the Spaulding Manuscript in a while, it's an interesting story
  • @rconger24
    Over time some of them adopt doctrines of the Restoration but never like who they have to thank.
  • Thankyou Edwin. Good stuff as usual. The short, sweet, calm, cool and casual truth that drives the antis crazy. 😇
  • @wes2176
    All exactly right. Very good points, they flip and flop all over the place, just throwing mud in the hopes of something sticking.
  • I have yet to have had a discussion with any anti who ever had anything positive to share. So intent are they on trashing my beliefs that I can gather nothing from theirs. I have learned to ask myself two questions when so confronted: 1) Why does it matter to you what I believe? and 2) what do you have that is better than what I have? To date, no one has come close to giving me a convincing answer to either question.
  • @suzieq5383
    Why does the church continue to stay so relatively small after 200 years? It’s smaller than the seventh day Adventist church which began in New York at the same time as The LDS church under the second great awakening circumstances. I’ve never understood this.
  • @jareds561
    Good stuff. Thank you. Just like their father, liars from the beginning.
  • @krismurphy7711
    ONE THING “Antis” did not attack The Church about was “The First Vision.” ????? Yep. “The First Vision” was not a line of attack for Antis early in Church History….WHY NOT?? Because it was not talked about…claimed….well known. It was not until the 1900’s that The Church decided to FOCUS ON IT as part of its Narrative…part of its CLAIM to Authority.
  • @user-ux3vb5zg1p
    We dont seek answers from the book of mormon instead of the bible we seek answers from both and no way could Joseph Smith write the book of mormon without devine intervention
  • @user-ux3vb5zg1p
    I also meant to add satan only has a body of spirit my long comment is in answer to a non latterday saint comment
  • @rogerpreble440
    Albert J Luis… Stop avoiding my question… Quit pretending that you are the almighty and that you do not have any type of responsibility to engage someone properly I asked a simple question which would provide some foundation for me to answer your question So please answer my question so that we can proceed in a logical and intelligent manner Please don't make excuses and don't stonewall
  • @user-ux3vb5zg1p
    Mormons also believe that Jesus is the son the God of the earth 2nd person of the trinity and His Father is a God in Heaven they are seperate with a body of flesh and bones and the Holy Spirit is seperate with a body of spirit but why they are called the trinity is because they are one in purpose and work together satan was a good brother in the pre-existence until he rebelled against his father and was cast out of heaven and Jesus chose to do His Father's will and come to earth to die for our sins and give his father the glory but satan wanted to come to earth and cause devastations and take the power and glory himself but Jesus made the sacrifice so we can have eternal life and after the resurrection satan will go in the bottomless pit of fire when we came to earth from the pre-existence with a body of spirit we gained a physical body when we were born from our mother but satan as punishment Heavenly Father Didn't let him gain a physical body of flesh and bones if people really want this explained better call the missionaries I don't blame people who have trouble excepting Latterday saint doctrine because with the extra Reverlations in the book of mormon and to the prophet Joseph Smith there is so much more to learn and understand
  • @AlbertJLouie
    When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in: MATTHEW 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..." Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in? A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan. OR B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.