Planetary Peace Meditation | Global peace meditation

Published 2020-08-17
This Planetary Peace Meditation is is a powerful spiritual tool designed to assist to bring about world peace.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace is also known as an Illumination Technique, or the Meditation on Twin Hearts. It is a technique aimed at achieving Illumination or Cosmic Consciousness.
This meditation safely activates both the heart and crown chakras.

World peace would be an unattainable dream, without the development of the heart chakra in most people.

When a person does Meditation on Twin Hearts, Divine Energy flows down to the practitioner filling the person with Divine Light, Love and Power.

The act of practicing this meditation is also a form of world service, because the world is in part harmonized through the Blessing of the entire Mother Earth with Loving Kindness.

Source: Master Choa Kok Sui, IIS, 1992


This meditation is non denominational, non sectarian, non religious.
It is recommended for people to practice this meditation who are over seven (7) years of age.

This meditation was originally created by MCKS.

The meditation has been licensed from IIS, under a licensed instructor agreement with this institute



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