Ghost Warriors: The German Tribes That Hunted Romans | Ancient Black Ops | Odyssey

Published 2024-04-03
The deadly work of top ancient assassins. The elite Harii tribe of Germania were trained to fight only at night and inflicted the Roman Army's worst-ever defeat.

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All Comments (21)
  • @johndavidnew
    this documentary is incorrect about Arminius. He wasn't recruited as an auxiliary as an adult. He and his brother were the young children of a cherusci chieftan, and they were taken as child hostages by the romans to force the chieftan to comply with roman rule. A common practice of many past societies. Arminius and his brother were raised in rome as romans. They were only sent back Saxony as adults after they were sufficiently "romanized" and trained in the roman military, to lead the tribe as pro-roman chieftans in an attempt to assimilate the entire tribe to roman rule.
  • @sidviscous5959
    As one who is half German descent and half Scottish, I feel compelled to point out that Scotland and Germany were two places that resisted Rome most successfully.
  • I was born an hour drive from the Teutoburger Forrest in Minden. Skulls, bones, helmets and weapons are still found there to this day in the ground.
  • @Maza675
    You know you are fierce and violent when the Romans say 'don't go any further that way, that's enemy territory the other side of that (Hadrians Wall, Rhine River).
  • @Mozart69938
    The forest in the movie does not look like a German forest. It is very bright. I have spent my childhood in the forest collecting mushrooms and berries. It’s much darker and creepier. Especially the winters.
  • @sidgarrett7247
    One thing I learned is that in the German forest, the Black Forest, is the glow in the dark mold. It is very beautiful and interesting.
  • One tenth of the army wiped put? You might say they were... Decimated
  • @spaceman51974
    What a difference to today where Germany is being overrun by hordes from the middle east and Africa. Wonder what the old tribes would do.
  • @heidipetrick918
    This hits home in a couple of ways. My mom was from Germany, my dad had a fair amount of German blood on his side of the family. I also see the "Roman attitude" more and more around the world including our own country. This is history, but it's also a call to be aware of what goes on around you.
  • @reeseni7620
    I love learning about my German heritage. It makes me realize where my traits come from. I am extremely independent and love nothing more than to be alone and by Gods, I would fiercely kill to protect my country. Thank you for this.
  • @maghangajohn5675
    As soon as I heard Alisdair Thompson 's voice, I was hooked. I like how he narrates the documentaries. He is my all time best narrator. 🔥
  • @kevinnorwood8782
    Oh, Varus! Oh, Quintillius Varus, GIVE ME BACK MY LEGIONS!!!!!
  • I was never special ops, but what I learned, during my years in the Army. Special OPS train how to kill silently, not face to face like regular forces. If they are in close combat, that means something went wrong.
  • @Theaxemandaily
    Germany USED to be a symbol of resistance. Today, its compliance
  • @GregorydavidMck
    Looks like whoever was in charge of wardrobe for the Germans deffo just went down to the thrift shop and filled a few bags with whatever.
  • @WestCoastReign
    Varus was NOT regarded as "the best general" in Rome at the time. He was an effective governor, but by no means a military man
  • @nicolasrose3064
    "Varus was one of the best Generals of his Day..." Varus was a Politician/Lawyer, he had hardly any Campaign experience, was greedy and disinterested in the Legions under his Command, he wanted to Govern and reap the spoils of conquest, he imposed harsh, unrealistic taxes on the Germanic tribes, imprisoned their Chiefs and subjugated the tribesmen, he raided Village harvests which were vital to the tribes survival through the harsh Winters, he was Not "one of Rome's best Generals".