Debunking Tiktok Conspiracies

Published 2024-01-30

All Comments (21)
  • @delionmoon
    from the words of the wise youtuber Miniminuteman: "you don't have to be mad at the secret shadow government, you can just be mad at the regular government"
  • @bananabobo789
    That fossil stuff was so funny. "The average Joe has never found a dinosaur bone" a literal CHILD found a whole ass skull not too far from me a few weeks ago, please read a book
  • @serpentarius1194
    My mum has a coworker who's a full on conspiracy theorist. Has a necklace that wards off the 5g waves and all that. The best one I've learnt about her so far is that she doesn't eat pigs because they're actually humans that were experimented on and turn into what they are now. I think the kicker to all of this is that my mum, and thus her coworker too, are librarians. I can't imagine having a job that revolves around helping the education of the public and the pursuit of knowledge and being this way. I can't imagine living my life this way, thinking pigs are actually humans and everyone is fine with eating them. How can you live like that.
  • @theactualfaz
    my favourite part about conspiracy theorists is how they constantly switch between our technology not being advanced enough for stuff and even more advanced technology being hidden for us depending on which narrative fits better with that specific conspiracy
  • @Rictavio27
    The fact that she didn’t understand that globes and other round depictions of the earth existed for hundreds if not thousands of years before space travel is both hilarious and concerning
  • @badger6882
    "yes girl you are onto nothing" is my new favourite Jarvis quote.
  • “It’s easy to connect the dots when you only see two dots” is a pretty genius quote.
  • @supergingerr
    As someone who enjoys conspiracy theories Antarctica is literally a rabbit hole. It’s basically got its own lore at this point with how many conspiracies surround it. I have no clue why. I guess a big hunk of ice just bothers some people.
  • @hylvic6707
    "If there were dinosaurs why aren't there bones everywhere" followed immediately by "bones can completely decay in 30 years" with no mental connection between those statements is CRAZY
  • @WhyYouWahYoo
    People are so desperate to feel mentally superior that they’ll believe anything if it’s packaged with the bonus of “and everyone else is stupid.”
  • I love that a lot of those conspirancies regarding space assume that NASA is the only source of info on space related stuff, discgarding the fact that many other countries have space agencies and have send satelliets and people there
  • @emmasvk
    'where does wifi come from' was so out of pocket i actually laughed out loud 8:56
  • @Eeppydeepy
    For a person that’s afraid of the government tracking them through location services, she sure does show a lot of the inside of her house and car
  • @fernfossils
    as a paleontology nerd, the dinosaur bones point made me so sad 😭 fossilization only occurs under very specific circumstances, and only occur in specific rock types and a specific age. to an untrained eye, fossils can just look like weird rocks
  • Conspiracy theorist are the same people who fall for the YouTube ads that are like “if you can solve this your IQ is over 200” and then it’s just the most basic, pre-school, level puzzle
  • @FLEXJR69
    I had a friend who bought into the dinosaurs never existed thing. And he brought it up at lunch one day and said, "You're studying this shit. Prove to me, there are dinosaurs, prove to me they exist, " so i flicked the bone of my wings at him for the rest of lunch. And just kept saying "evidence" each time
  • So she thinks dinosaurs aren’t real because their bones aren’t constantly being found, but she also thinks that finding their bones is fake because bones decay. Pick a lane. You can’t have both.
  • i’ve gone through psychosis and these people sound worryingly close to how i sounded in psychosis, especially the language of ‘they’. i remember one day where i didn’t eat or drink anything because ‘they’ had put trackers in my food and would kill me if they were able to track me. there were no specifics as to who ‘they’ were, just like with a lot of these people. so yeah. it’s funny because it’s so ridiculous but it’s deeply, deeply worrying as well
  • @FlyXcur
    I love so much that she said you have to turn your location off while being around her. As if she isn't uploading tiktok ya know the app that sells any and all you allow it access to. I guarantee you she doesn't even have a vpn in her home to try to protect herself she just thinks turning off your location takes you off the grid.
  • @eggmon420
    My wifi doesn’t work when I’m upstairs in bed but sure, it works coming from the Mariana trench at the bottom of the ocean. Passing through my roof is just too much for it ig.