Roe v Wade reversal: How abortion restrictions are impacting the US one year on - BBC Newsnight

Published 2023-06-19
It’s a year since millions in the US were blocked from accessing an abortion, and the debate is as divisive as ever.

The reversing of the Roe v Wade ruling last summer was a controversial moment - both for those who believe termination ends an innocent life, and for those who feel any restrictions breaches a woman’s right to control her own body.

In a joint investigation for BBC Newsnight and Our World, Anna Collinson has travelled across two neighbouring - but very different - US states to see how restrictions on abortion are impacting America.

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All Comments (21)
  • I'd respect their views if the same people were stood outside care homes and adoption agencies offering support to the babies who have been born. There i said it.
  • @tomgibbs4552
    The fact that a woman can get raped and is then forced BY LAW to carry the child until birth is horrific. This has to change
  • @GKP999
    While I respect the idea of protecting life, many of the pro-life people are also pro-guns. What I find confounding and ironic is that these people are more concerned about embroyes than the lives of children and adults.
  • @lalah9481
    It is pure evil to force a mom to carry to term a baby that will die-holding your child while it struggles for every breath isn’t righteous.
  • No matter what side of the debate you stand on there needs to be a serious conversation about expanding foster and adoption care services to take care of abuse, neglected or abandoned children.
  • @bear.b
    The woman at 6:50 I wonder if she would be happy to carry a pregnancy to term, go through the traumatic experience that is birth for her child to die in her hands. That's such a stupid and entitled statement.
  • @jansean2497
    Anyone who really believes abortion is murder and wants to prevent it would support birth control counseling, low cost birth control covered by healthcare, sex education, regardless of age. They would also support Universal prenatal and postnatal healthcare, provide healthcare to children, and support subsidized non-profit high quality daycare. To give that baby the “every chance at life”. I have never, ever, heard any pro-life politician or political spokesperson voice support for any of these measures that would easily prevent millions of abortions.
  • A woman I knew got pregnant, was overjoyed UNTIL the diagnosis of CANCER was made. Because abortion was not legally allowed, she DIED, so did her son. The family of two girls and her loving husband lost her. Is this acceptable when it's obvious that women who are pregnant have such powerful hormone changes CANCER speeds up? Women die? My own great-grandmother had an abortion when doctors were so ignorant about reproduction, they had no idea how to help. She died at 93 years old, yes, but couldn't have another pregnancy because it would kill her. Laws like these ludicrous versions DON'T stop miscarriages, abortion by natural causes. Nature aborts fetal matter in all mammals. We're mammals.
  • @camilla_k97
    Do anti-abortion men know HOW WOMEN FEEL during their pregnancy and giving birth??? It's unimaginably painful and unpleasant, especially, if a biological father is a rapist!
  • I got a bilateral salpingectomy (tubes completely removed) about a months ago. My doctor is amazing and did it for me without "husband's approval" or making sure I had kids already (I don't). I finally made the decision to get it done because of the lack of abortion healthcare in America. I never want to be pregnant in this country. I didn't want to be pregnant anyway, but it would be a nightmare having an unwanted pregnancy now. So I got my tubes taken out.
  • Those people who harassed women outside the clinic should provide child support to those they support abortion ban. How else can babies survive without nutrition, shelter and clothes/ diapers. If they cannot support the babies, leave women alone to decide for themselves. I think they just want future slaves born into poverty 😢
  • @TheJasonBorn
    It's not allowing the mother to carry to term, it's forcing the mother to do so. It's being legally required. It's not compassion, it's oppression.
  • @Andrew87454
    It astonishes me that a country which still has the death penalty doesn't allowed abortion in any sense for some states.
  • Im sorry but i just have to say that the young woman who talked about "bring back the humanity" by "allowing" a woman to bring a pregnancy to term and seeing that child die in her arms... EXCUSE ME?? This is the type of person who needs to experience the cruelty she inflicts on other women.
  • Approximately 25,000 children age out of the adoption system every year without ever having found a family. So to the people who want to "flood the market" with infants for all those needing families, just remember, you have been free, for DECADES, to go ahead and adopt. Take care of the children we ALREADY HAVE , FIRST.
  • I appreciate how humanized this news piece has been, but I also want to know the data; have partial or full hysterectomies gone up since the ban? Have women been dying more due to pregnancy complications? Maybe a sharp uptick in new babies being released to the state? Mental health issues? Substance abuse issues? Have women been moving out of these anti-abortion states? If they can't move... Are there underground abortion providers again? If it be the case that this information is unavailable because these states are not collecting this information, I would think that would be an important thing to add.
  • @Comeback180
    What these people leave out is if the baby is gonna put the mothers life at risk, is it really worth it for her dying or having severe body damage even if the baby lives.
  • @floras2030
    What a shame that the pro-birth women don't all have 20 kids by 40. What a let down to their eggs, each is a potential life too. Why are they not blamed for having periods instead of kids?
  • You at least have the humanity of a child dying in their mothers arms. Bruh. How do you even come to such a awful conclusion. Oh yeah instead of letting an adult/mother decide on their own, let's just decide it's best for that person to have a baby die in their arms.
  • @sjn7688
    It makes me so sick the lack of empathy or humanity people have for mothers who need abortions. Some of them WANT their babies but their told their baby will be born dead. Can someone tell me what is the point of forcing a mother to continue with a pregnancy for a baby that has a 0% chance of being born alive?! I know some religious women want to keep it so it can be baptised, but that's the MOTHER'S choice. Fetal demise is more common than people think. One woman had to wait for the inevitable miscarriage which was very painful. Because she couldn't have an abortion right away (for a baby that was ALWAYS going to die) her chances of having another successful pregnancy had significantly been reduced because her uterus had been damaged. All the abortion law did was reduce her chances of having children.