How Do I Make My Pet Chickens Cuddly?

Published 2020-04-28
We're often asked how we managed to end up with such snuggly lap chickens. There's a method to the madness. You, too, can enjoy endless outrageous chicken cuddles. Trish breaks it down for you.

All Comments (21)
  • @qvi0ivp796
    it's after midnight, i don't own chickens and i have no idea what i'm actually doing here, but "channeling your inner rooster not to give up" was probably the best life advice i could get under these circumstances. thank you chicken lady!
  • I like how she holds a different colored chicken every 10 seconds lol
  • "That means that you have succeeded in making them believe that you're their rooster. So, great job, and now you have to follow through." I'm sorry, I have to do what?!
  • @MrSargeg
    Our 5 year old granddaughter has worked to get our chickens to let her pick them up and pet them. Now, they will let her hold them as she rides an electric motorcycle... They could easily squirm away, but they sit on her lap as she rides... New meaning to "biker chick!" (And they still laid eggs the next day....)
  • “You are so much bigger than they are, and you don’t look like a rooster, I’m assuming” 😂😂😂
  • When we got chickens my mom was like "we'll name a couple of them and they'll just be egg layers" here I am a couple months later with a bunch of chickens climbing all over me and sitting on my lap and shoulders
  • @mosesmedina9450
    "You don't quite look like a Rooster, I'm assuming." That's a pretty general blanket statement that you made there, I'd say it's pretty offensive to people with a comb and a gullet
  • @lasariusmo
    You cant be a crazy chicken lady and so pretty at the same time. Thats too perfect.
  • @mamichula1177
    I got mine as babies when I was a child and they’d chirp all night long. I moved them into my bedroom and I’d sleep with my hand inside their coop 😂 they grew up very close to me but they would constantly try to attack anyone who wasn’t my mother that came near me lol. I had a Rhode Island Red and a Buff Orpington. I miss my babies and because of them I went vegetarian. I would like more chicken friends in the near future ❤️☺️
  • I grew up on a chicken ranch - we had flocks of so-called free range chickens. When I was about 9 I selected 6 eggs to be my pets. When they hatched I hand fed them and petted them. After 6 months or so they were integrated with a flock. When I came near, they would always run to me and want to jump into my lap or sit in my hands - even when they were quite old. They never forgot me but ignored other humans. No doubt they were considered nut cases by the other chickens, who ignored me or kept their distance if I got very near. The Chicken Lady got to the key point at 3:28 when she said to bribe the young ones with food. Not at any stage did I ever think that my pets thought of me as their rooster.
  • @salmonbones420
    I can't wait to be settled and get my own chickens! This video is very encouraging. I want mine to be pets -- eggs are nice, but I wanna cuddle that floofy bird as my priority haha.
  • @K.A.Y.K.O
    i am 11 and ABSOLUTELY love my chickens! i have 8! and they see me as ( how my mum says it) their chickie mama :)
  • @Kura-Kekoa
    I had a wild chicken I raised from a baby chick after a rain storm drowned the nest. I was amazed by how affectionate and eager to spend time with me she was. An absolute sweetheart... very much changed my mind about these birds.
  • @korncobb8808
    The "and now you have to follow through" genuinely scared me LMAO
  • @johnlund5269
    I spoil my chickens all the time I can’t stop spoiling them
  • @ckity2376
    Two chicks came into my life by accident when they were 2 days old. Now they are 2 months and they are the loves of my life. I cant imagine a life with out there craziness. Lol
  • I kiss my chickens too haha My girl Taters loves it! She's such a love bug. I Call her my sweet potato