History of the iMac

Published 2018-07-22
Today we’re going to explore the history of the iMac. How it was developed, why it represented the beginning of a new era at Apple, and how it saved the company from bankruptcy. the iMacs story begins with Steve Jobs return to Apple in May 1996. He realized Apple still had a lot of talented people, but their talents weren’t being utilized effectively. The Macintosh product lineup was so complex that retail workers were using flowcharts to get a better understanding of each model. Jobs figured that if their own employees couldn’t figure out the product lineup, then their customers certainly couldn’t either. To remedy this, Jobs told the designers that Apple would be putting all its energies behind just four products; a consumer desktop, pro desktop, consumer notebook, and pro notebook. And the first model they would begin working on was the consumer desktop computer.

All Comments (21)
  • @Slacking02
    The iMac was my first computer, my parentals bought it for me when I was in high school. I still have the original keyboard and mouse!
  • @NicksLocker
    when we were little kids and our school had these I was so fascinated by them. and they were like fairly recent machines too. I remember when they updated them from os 9 to os 10 I was like mindblown.
  • @Jack-hx8yz
    I thought it would be the history of the entire iMac line.
  • i remember going to elementary school & using these in 1999, i actually hated them lol, at the times we would play games, go on "netscape" (the internet) but it wasn't appealing to me. Now when i get the chance to even see one i get excited...i love them, they look so unique and different, nothing like you ever see today.
  • @StevenEveral
    I never owned an iMac, but I did use one a lot in a photography class I took in high school. It was excellent at the time for simple photo rendering, and was just an overall fun computer to use. (This was about 2000-2001 time frame.)
  • @Electrify85
    I think if the iMac was able to be released a few years earlier, Apple's marketshare with home computers would be similar to their marketshare with smartphones. Home PCs really began to be common with Windows 95 and the internet. By the time the iMac was released, too many were invested in the Windows ecosystem to really make the switch to MacOS.
  • @JWUniverse
    I miss using these computers in School our entire computer class upgraded to these iMac's within a week! And I saw why... So easy to use loved the colors and the colored mouses such a cool Machine! Now we have the new boring looking iMac's that really need a change of style everything is either Spaced Grey, Silver, Black, or Gold LAME!!!
  • @Gavolak
    My school had a club called Eagle Club and they had an original iMac in the blue color. I don't know when they got it but in 2007 they were using it in there lol. We could earn computer time by completing homework and by first spending time outside. Ahhh good old first grade.
  • @iiAhamd
    That's the history of the first imac only, you should more 3 or 4 more parts on the g4,g5, aluminum, 5k, imacs!!
  • @JoseYuri
    I remember this era! I watched this computer on billboards for two years until my parents finally got me the indigo iMac! This was a moment in time!
  • @lewisfilby2394
    funny thing is - from my whole collection of iMacs - the slot-loading drives have almost all failed at ejecting a cd but the tray loaders work just fine. Plus - the iMac G4 had a tray and jobs marketed that as a friendly tongue-sticking-out
  • @itsGuy
    2:05 that IBM laptop screen is so off center... OCD is kicking in hard
  • @flirtwd
    My first Mac was the flower power back in 2001. Damn! I also bought the Harmon Kardon isub. That base was fucking insane!!!! I picked up a black mouse pad from Marshalls' that had a gel palm rest. Believe it or not, it's still soft after 18 years. The ups guy wrote "cool computer on the box". Man, do I wish I had pictures from back then to share. Sadly my flower power died back in 2009. The isub was worthless because Harmon Kardon didn't create any drivers for the newer versions of OS X. So that bad boy got tossed in the bin. I'll never forget the days playing quake with that bass from my speaker shaking the walls. I wish you could have seen it. That fresh, new iMac out the box and the literature. Sniff! Sniff! It was a fucking amazing piece of tech.
  • @hairlinehd
    I didn't have time to watch this beacuse I hade to stuf for my mom.... The video was awesome Greg!!!
    Very intersing =D Thank you! (Again)
  • @archygrey9093
    I don't even own or like apple products yet i still love watching these videos
  • @soyitiel
    Is it true that that was the longest recorded ovation or something among those lines? I remember reading something about that