The WORST Pain A Human Can Ever Experience

Published 2022-01-03
Get ready to grit your teeth as we explore the worst pain a human can experience! Happy new year, right?
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All Comments (21)
  • @storozhevoy75
    I've passed five kidney stones. They gave the sensation that you've been shot with a .22 and the bullet bounces around your kidney until you pee it out. You feel the pain in your back, abdomen, groin (really sucks if you're a guy) and the nausea made it so much worse; honestly, the pain wouldn't be so bad if my guts didn't feel like they were about to abandon ship.
  • @jardel_lucca
    Oh, I know it very well. It's when the crush says "let's just be friends."
  • When I was 21 years old I was a over the road truck driver. I ended up passing a kidney stone on the side of the interstate during a ice storm. I thought I was going to die that night! It was a nightmare! My truck got stuck at a closed down rest area. The truck got stuck in gear so, I could not idle it for heat until I pushed the clutch in to let the truck run after nearly freezing to death. I had already passed the stone or stones. I remember sweating profusely, having tunnel vision in nearly blackening out. it was around 0° f. I then climbed in the back sleeper & fell asleep. I woke up freezing and forced myself to push the clutch down and start the truck to save my life that night. A tow truck found me the next morning.
  • @cyn37211
    I have fibromyalgia, and had 3 babies using no painkilling drugs. But, by far, the worst pain I’ve ever experienced was when I ruptured a disk in my lower spine. That awful electric-shock feeling lasted for weeks, and no amount of painkillers helped. I’ve had a tumor removed through my nose, no comparison. I get migraines;no comparison. Broken bones, no comparison. A 3rd degree burn, no comparison. The next-worst pain I can remember was when I caught a nasty strain of salmonella from a KFC, I was in the ER waiting room screaming. They loaded me up on pain meds. Thankfully, it was gone a day or 2 later, but that was agonizing.
  • @Ladypuppy510
    I'm amazed and happy fibromyalgia is included here. It was thought to be a fake disease for so long. Let me tell you, I have it for over ten years and some days, I just want to lie in bed and cry. Some days aren't bad. But those that are, simply devastate me. Plus, the pain can be in different locations on different days. Finally, even on good days, there's overwhelming fatigue. Not the 'I didn't sleep well" tiredness. This is the ''do I have enough energy to take a shower' fatigue. Yup. It belongs on this list.
  • @MihneaGnome
    This video made me so grateful for the incomprehensible amount of luck i have for not experiencing such pain.
  • Cluster headache should be on this list. One of the most painful things a human can endure.
  • @spiritnova420x
    I got stung in the eye by a wasp when I was younger. Now I have this weird mark where the stinger sat in my eye because they couldn't take it out. My eye doctor last year was like "I have NEVER seen anything like that before." There's a bunch of pigment left from the stinger lol.
  • I have suffered with Fibromyalgia since I was a kid but wasn’t diagnosed till I was 22. You saying “Here’s one to you” literally made me so happy. Thank you!
  • @greyhound3561
    I spent my 27th birthday in the ICU after getting hit by welding spatter - the guy opposite me begun a weld without my knowledge and I copped it in my right eye, it was taken out by an eye surgeon and I had "sandpaper eyelid" for a couple of weeks, with not much sleep as a result. However being told my baby son had cancer at birth and needed his left testicle removed - If I agreed to it was far-harder, To do anything apart from hold him and help him through chemo while we were living in rural Australia meant I had to be the nurse who flushed out the Hickman line in his chest twice a week, fully scrubbed and gowned-up - how I managed to work as well I don`t recall, lot`s of coffee and tears out in the shed, He`s a 30 y/old man now and fully recovered - one day he may have a son too..
  • I'm a Mother of 3, 1st Baby - 26hrs labour, his back was against mine, pulled out with forceps with his head so large I had 42 stitches & dislocated coccyx! 22 months later Natural Twins, born by C-Section where my blood pressure dropped so low I was in a minor coma (14 hours) once I came around it was found that my nerves had been severed in by groin - Ouch! I have also broken / smashed almost every bone in my body! The worst pain I ever felt was a posterior dislocation of my elbow - 2 ops on it since to remove bits of cartilage that were floating around & it still hurts occasionally 25 years later!
  • I suffered from testicular torsion when I was 18. And I can tell you that everything he said, its true. I was in the most awful pain in my life. It happened during the early hours and I was the only one at school. Had to wait an hour for someone to show up to call for help. By the time I was being removed from school to go to the emergency, I was basically lucidly unconscious and I had to wait another hour for the specialist to arrive at the hospital to diagnose and send me in surgery. It was only when they temporarily paralysed me from the waist down, I could finally be out of pain. The surgeon told me they sew my marbles to the side so it doesn't happen again. After a month of recovery and awkward bathroom trips, I was finally okay :)
  • This is one of the best descriptions of Fibro I’ve ever heard. I once got dirty looks by ambulance staff, after I was in a fender bender. Once I said I had Fibro they all nodded and understood why my pain was so high.
  • @LiteraIIy_Nobody
    These are the top 3 moments I experienced the most pain. Once I fell off a tire swing and broke my arm. I don't exactly know how a fall that short could break an arm. The swing was only a foot higher than your average tire swing. I guess I fell off and landed in the worst possible position. I was very young so I don't remember how the pain felt like, all I remember is that it hurt an insane amount. Once I stuck my thumb in the gaps of the hinges of a door, and then, I don't know why I thought this was I good idea or what on Earth was going through my mind, but I decided to slam the door as hard as I could. And at that moment, I started screaming louder than a jet engine. When I looked at my thumb to assess the damage, I began screaming even louder. Fortunately, the worst of it only lasted a split second and my dad drove me to urgent care. I was crying the whole way. Finally, one night I woke up. Then I started feeling a very slight pain in my heart. I tried to ignore it but the pain steadily grew and grew. My heart began beating harder and harder and faster and faster. I began crying and at the worst of it, it was nearly impossible to avoid screaming. Imagine stepping on 5 legos, bumping your funny bone as hard as you can, being punched by Saitama in the stomach, stubbing all your toes at once, drenching yourself in scalding water, having a needle hit your eye at mach 10, and combining all that amount of pain into one very specific part of the body and that pain persisting for a solid 5 minutes. Fortunately, my heart soon began beating slower and less hard and the pain began to weaken. I still have no idea what could have caused that pain. Please tell me if you think you know.
  • @Natalie66796
    For me period cramps are up there (Especially if you get ones like mine, where I can't walk sometimes because they're so horrific), they're extremely horrible
  • @RoJoMe
    When it comes to kidney stones, I’m the master. Since 1988, I’ve passed over 40 of them…with five of them traveling through my urinary tract since March 23rd. The last one I “birthed” was so large, I actually think it formed in my bladder because I don’t know how it could have passed through my ureter. I’m not going to give dimensions because there will just be those who will accuse me of lying. I wish I could insert images into this comment because a picture is worth a thousand likes. I WILL say that for two full weeks, I only pissed blood. Amazingly, after it passed, all blood and pain dissipated. I swear I aged ten years in one month. SMH
  • @ChuzzleFriends
    0:40 Kidney Stones 2:39 Gympie-Gympie Plant 4:52 Sodder in Eye 6:26 Gout 8:41 Tarantula Hawk 10:34 Stepping on Stuff 12:02 Candiru 14:15 Fibromyalgia 15:30 Torsion 17:03 Irukandji and Irukandji Syndrome 19:07 Ureteral Stent 21:20 Bullet Ant 23:16 Eye Operations in XVIII England ----- 11:11 This would mean that both palms would have approximately 34,000 nerve endings in total, while both feet soles would have up to 400,000 in total! That's high!
  • @Manotheginger
    I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia! And it makes my life literally HELL! pain is constant, and i feel that my life has no meaning to it because the pain in the nerves makes it impossible for your body to focus well or do any physical or mental work! The pain sucks the hell out of your life! 😢😔💔 i Also have Ankylosing spondylitis! Which is also a chronic condition! It would be nice if you could mention that disease in another video to spread awareness! Thanks 😊❤
  • @user-xw2hz9fp9q
    The worst pain i have gone through, was not kidney stones, which i had, eye surgery, i had, epidural or anything else, but going through divorse, i lost almost 30 pounds, lots of hair and i had to go thru depression and recovery a year later... Now i m good and happy again, but that was real pain, endlessly.