How to keep your rooster quiet

Published 2016-05-15
This seems to be an easy and humane way to keep your rooster quiet.
I was wrong when I said the price. It's actually almost $20

All Comments (21)
  • @lelegurame
    It's different here in south east asia, everybody have rooster and they do crow every morning like a choir. It's beautiful. I have 4 rooster back home
  • Honestly, I've never understood why the hate on crowing roosters. They blast me with their thumping base music, their dogs bark and howl constantly, and they argue and shout and scream till weird o' clock in the what's the problem with roosters?
  • I bought a few of these. I have 3 various sized roosters. My large rooster hated it plus it made his neck feathers stick out and looked odd. My polish rooster went into a depression and would stand all day facing the wall. A few days later his bottom beak got caught in it. The instructions say that there should be enough room to put your pinkie finger in the gap. Id rather hear crowing that have depressed birds. Hi from the Scottish Highlands :-)
  • @mrs8792
    Thank you for sharing. Yes, Roosters are important. There is an English gardener who has a Roo and she puts him in a dark box at bed time, then let’s him out at 9am. Her neighbors don’t complain, because he’s quiet until then. I love Roos.
  • @Solitude1990
    I'll take a loud rooster at 5am over a loud barking dog any day.
  • Hey all, I'm in the burbs and have a roo that is a pain in the ain. 6.17 am he fires up. I fixed the problem good. I bought 12 hay bales and basically built a square hay igloo with a hay bale door that just gets pushed in place in the cavity I made as a door way. So it works like this, 6.17 am he crows 6.18 am I get up , catch him and place him in the igloo. This igloo works like a sound room, deadens the noise he makes, you can still hear him but greatly muffled. Oh yeah one other thing , try not to forget the little bugger in there all day. This is really only for the morning, when we humans are particularly sensitive to early painful wake up calls. Hope this helps.
  • @le9186
    I love the sound of these rooster make every morning . It sound much better than the alarm
  • @ethanyang2894
    I have a red jungle fowl and he crows about 5 to 6 times morning and like 3 times in the afternoon and my neighbor complains. His dog barks everyday non stop which kindof make my dog barks and we dont complain
  • I used that exact collar. My roo tried to pull it off. He managed to hook one of his toes in it and couldn't get it out! He toppled backwards off his roost. Luckily he didn't get hurt- but if I wasn't watching him he would have spent the night in discomfort and maybe even been traumatized or died. This thing has to be very carefully fitted! It can't be too tight or too loose. I now have 3 roosters. I just keep them inside until 9 am. If anyone complains (to the town) I tell them that my property is legally grandfathered for my "chicken business" and I have a legal agreement with the town that states that my roosters can crow as much as they want after 9 am. I had to go to court to get the variance (cost nothing. I didn't hire a lawyer). The town didn't want to "fight" me and spend municipal dollars on court expenses so the town attorney sternly instructed the zoning dept to come to an agreement with me regarding a variance. The fact is, people get used to hearing roosters and many like it. As I said my roos are not let out into the yard until after 9- everybody has gone to work. And after the late afternoon roosters are pretty quiet unless there is a predator hanging around. I keep them in large dog crates inside. Believe it or not all my roosters come inside on their own. I don't have to chase them or catch them. I've trained them to want to come inside just to get a cup of special rooster food and blueberries. Any roosters that I can't train or that aren't "good" protectors I re-home. My roos sit quietly all night like fat kings on their throne. They can hear the hens and they only crow if there is some commotion. Some roosters have "annoying" crows and other roosters have a bell-like crow. I don't think it has anything to do with breeds or even genetics. It seems to be more the luck of the draw. Now for many years I had an Amazon parrot that was in a cage on my 2nd fl porch in the summer. He screamed all day. No rooster I've ever had was nearly as bad as my parrot! Not only would my parrot scream- if some kids yelled "shut-up stupid!" or "shut the hell up!" he'd screech "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I'm really glad roosters can't talk!
  • @40intrek
    Barking dogs are more of a problem hands down. 0
  • @michaelfoye1135
    From a practical perspective it also keeps the rooster from warning the hens when hawks and other predators are around.
  • Thank you. But, can the rooster still do his hawk calls and other warnings he gives the hens? Just wondering. I love hearing his chats.
  • After so many years of being around roosters I don't even hear them anymore.
  • @FC-xc3zy
    When reviewing a product, a live demo always helps
  • Hi there! How has the collar worked out for you long-term? I've got a little guy I can't find a home for yet and I bought a no crow collar to keep the peace (I'm in the city with very close neighbors) until I can find him a good home. Curious to see if you were able to use the collar long-term. 😀
  • A rooster making noise means he's happy, and if he crows he probably heard another bird
  • @andyquin78
    I tired the velcro before because of the cost, but the down side of that is that it cuts up the roosters neck. I noticed that he had scabs on his neck from the velcro. I don't know if the ones you buy are softer on the roosters neck., but if it is than I feel that it's the smarter buy. Also I never knew how tight to make it without actually choking the rooster. Any advise on this subject would be appreciated. I don't want to harm the rooster. I don't have anymore now but I do want to have a rooster in the future so I can produce more chickens. I know the video mentions how small to make it but more opinions are always helpful. Thank you for the video.
  • I have three... Amberlinks. I free range during the day in NH but coop them for night. Love them. One is tame.... and they're so beautiful with the cream base feathers flecked with brown. Love my boys... when my truck and I pull into the yard, they come running! Forgot to add: they're great foragers and have reduced our tick and grasshopper population a great deal. Lovely roosters!