Where my sanity at? I don't know. But that's ok...

Published 2019-02-23
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” ― Albert Einstein
“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.” ― Wei Hui

All Comments (21)
    Hi jonny, I find it best to take each day on face value and take an 'it is what it is' approach rather than analysing everything. Doing your best is ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH. much love bro.
  • @gregmathews715
    Watching this after I bookmarked it a few years ago, impressed by your honesty and good intentions, saying so many right things in the face of life which is, let's face it, not easy. I hope you are well
  • @cressharper1691
    You’d be amazed by the number of people’s lives you have made a difference to. Just because they don’t all come and shake your hand doesn’t mean they’re not there. We are all different and no one is perfect but we get by. I too have missed your videos, was really good to see you again. You need to look after yourself as well as others. Keep up the good work, lots of love. X
  • @JSSAN
    Over analysing is something we do a lot Jonny and usually over something someone else has said. Just take each day as it comes. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I think you and your loved ones will know if you are struggling to stay well. This could just be an over thinking phase. I have those and the paranoia gets worse too. Intrusive thoughts that won't back off. Just take care please but if possible, go with the flow, minute by minute, and if you aren't well...it will get sorted, remember that. It always gets sorted. Rest whenever you can. You have helped others, let others help you, even if it is just words of reassurance ...people care about you.
  • @Sabazinus
    I've watched a number of your videos this morning. One just randomly showed up in my recommended viewing. Now I just want to hug you and hold you and tell you that everything will be ok.
  • You are a beautiful person jonny. Both inside and out. You are very important in this world. Keep doing all the great work that your doing. I’ll bet you’ve truly helped a lot of men like you. Weather you realise it or not. ❤️😊
  • @vald3064
    Maybe I understand what you're going through, or at least part of it. Last month I had a bad relapse which was totally unexpected. Felt awful for a week. Then it got better again, but I've been under some stress lately and been questioning my mental state the past few days, not sure if I was doing okay or not really. But, as you say, it's fine if we're not perfect or feeling perfectly well. It's fine as long as we're doing our best, because that's what matters in life.
  • @yepsirree
    youve helped me a lot with your videos, thank you. i wish you the best. the constant questioning for me is debilitating, but i find creative outlets help to get my mind off of it. you are so artistically wonderful. i hope art and beauty surround you and your heart.
  • @markhardy5535
    If working adds something to your life and your gaining satisfaction from your work do it. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious and a break is required take it. Don’t pressure yourself over what’s expected of you, but what feels right for you...
  • Great to hear you again! thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. You are an inspiration for a lot of people. Step by step … you have accomplished so many things
  • @snsonline1640
    Hi Jonny. I think you’re doing everything right but you seem pretty tough on yourself st the moment! You’re genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve met and it upsets me to see you unhappy or questioning stuff to such an extent. I hope you get a chance to kick your shoes off and relax in the early Feb sunshine - I’m sitting out in the garden as I type and enjoying breathing in the fresh air deep and slow (also watching the insects at work in the grass - quite mesmerising and distracting in equal measure!). Keep up the amazing work but I hope you find a good way to unwind and reboot too. Would be lovely to chat again whenever. Hugz - Nick (SNS Online) x 👍
  • @jamesb.1826
    Love & well wishes to you. Thank you for this video. I often get caught up so terribly with everything I'm not doing well enough that I get paralyzed by despair. Thank you for reminding me to focus on doing my best & being proud of those results not lamenting because they arent up to another's standards. Cheers
  • @startechcode
    Hi Johnny so cool to see a new video from you, 😉 just remembered you have me and all your friends who watch your videos we are all here for you! ☺️
  • @billyfaires1
    Your videos are an inspiration. A very enlightened individual. Thanks for being so open and honest. It’s refreshing to watch something form the heart and that’s s relatable in ways. Keep YouTubing. You’re awesome xx
  • @reynolds1949
    Watched a lot of your posts but the first time I've commented. You've said it all. What is sanity? You're doing the best you can, no-one can do more than that. Be content that you're doing what you're doing. and be kind and compassionate to yourself. Good wishes and love X
  • @justsayin3647
    You may not be perfect but, you are fabulous. Lots of love to you.👍
  • @johnniep3844
    Living your best life... and that’s ok! It’s what I try to achieve every day.
  • @mikeyo1234
    Love you bromeister. Be you. You are loved. Take care, Mike