BLACK IS KING Trailer (2020) Beyoncé Movie

BLACK IS KING Trailer (2020) Beyoncé Movie
© 2020 - Disney+

コメント (21)
  • I am an African. Born and bred in Africa. Southern Africa to be exact! this woman is glorfying witchcraft that is considered as an abomination even here in Africa!! If you are African American and you dont know much about what goes on here in Africa, in terms of culture, this ,ight seem as if she is embracing her roots and what not. but here in Africa what she is doing simply trying to make 'good' what we as the African people who were born here and live here, have already condemned as something that is dragging us back as a people. this is not good at all. this is just dark witchcraft being presented at a time when black peopke in America are feeling vulnerable and attacked due to recent events. STAY WOKE!! DONT BE DECEIVED!!
  • I'm tired of seeing Africa being represented as either an exotic land with wild animals, vibrant colors and spiritual awakening or a place of extreme poverty and wars. This might be shocking for non Africans but the majority of people live a "normal life", we live in houses/apartments, go to school/work, drive cars or take the bus/taxi, we also have our own versions of "Uber", we have internet, we have Tik Tok, Instagram..., we watch Netflix, we have malls, we have brands like Zara and H&M and luxurious brands like Chanel and Prada... You get the picture! Also, movies like this reinforce the colonial perspective. Stop giving Africa a Singular Identity, Africa is a continent NOT a country and each country has it's own history, culture, traditions, religion(s), language(s)... that is different from other countries. Let's take Morocco as an example, it is a Northern African country, its population is made of Arabs and Amazighs (and only a small percentage of the people are black and it doesn't make the country any less African). Also, let's take Nigeria for example, this country alone has 250 ethnic groups and over 500 languages. I just gave two countries in Africa as an example. There are 54 states on the continent, yet the media insists on referring to it as one place. Imagine a movie was made like this but of Europe and we just made people dress like and act like Greek gods and goddesses and call it Europe is King. It's just wrong, isn't it? That's EXACTLY how we see this. WRONG!
  • WAKANDA NONSENSE IS THIS. i am an African, a Nguni woman from the Ndebele tribe. and we dont do that here. Anyone care to explain which part of Africa is being depicted here?
  • Glory! this comment section is making me so glad. People are seeing right through this mess. Keep waking up people; true knowledge is power ✊🏾. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord
  • Beyoncé has made Millions off using Black Aesthetics and Imagery. But when it comes to actually speaking real truth to power her voice becomes muted and flat. I cannot take her or this seriously. This is all about Money. Period.
  • The fact that she has alot of fans here in Africa but never bothered to even visit...but busy using our culture. Nonsense
  • Makes a movie based on African culture and doesn’t make it accessible to africa🤣 double standards much
  • The children of the Most High God are really coming alive in these last dark days. So much evil is being exposed but those forces are pushing back harder than ever. Our redemption is coming. Stay strong brothers and sisters in Christ! We will see Him soon.
  • Here’s the thing - if you scroll through the comments you’d notice that majority of the people who have problems with this are Africans. Not African Americans, not Americans in general nor Europeans etc. Doesn’t that speak volumes? Doesn’t that say something? To understand why we hold our contrary views you’d need to understand our perspective. Disregarding the views and opinions towards this without understanding the context is like a white person telling a black person that BLM and protesting is ‘ineffective’. You’ll never understand why people walk the way they do until you fit in their shoes. Take a second, humble yourself, and try understand the perspective of the people who OWN the culture being depicted. Our sentiments and complaints are coming from a real place. So challenge yourself to figure out what this is.
  • This woman just won't stop! This doesn't depict african culture.
  • Ok, this looks like another National Geography special on Africa, yet again portraying Africa as a country instead of a frigging continent...NEXT...
  • Brought to you by Disney 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🥴 be ready to decode yall 👁
  • This isn't the Africa we Africans live in. I don't know what Africa or what part of Africa she is trying to depict, but honestly this trailer gave me chills and not in a good way. If you want to make a movie about Africa, come to Africa and see how we live. Don't just assume it's all voodoo, animal skin and everything you imagine.
  • No thank you, film looks nothing like Africa at all, I’m pretty sure people that live there will find this very offensive. I spent three months of the year there and I can tell you that Africans are getting tired of being betrayed in this way.
  • A lot of this comment section restores my little faith for humanity. People are more woke than I thought👁 2 Corinthians 11:14 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
  • Straight up witchcraft.. The only king is Jesus Christ and every knee WILL bow
  • At the very end of this trailer, Satan is being depicted as a little black boy with someone saying, “you are the king”. He is the only one that was cast down from heaven with angels. I hope and pray that someone realizes that God is real. Jesus is real & hell is real too. Luke 10:18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven”.