cuckoo chick coup birds [ Review Bird Nest ]

Published 2021-09-23

All Comments (21)
  • @piercesable344
    Funny how the overgrown baby is such a literal mama's boy. "Feed me! But take my poop away while you're at it."
  • I am starting to think the cuckoo is actually not native to earth. I think it's some sort of derelict alien species from an evil planet.
  • @SeeliaVachon
    I wonder what happened to the cuckoo's DNA that made it start hijacking other bird's nests. When did it decide that it was too lazy to build its own nests, sit on its own eggs, feed its own chicks? On top of that, it becomes a murderer right after its born! I would like to see a bunch of cukoos locked up in the same cage to see if any of them can become parents.
  • I would gladly fill those nests with egg shaped candies to keep the bad guys busy all day long and see how they end.
  • The way the baby was pecking at the parent that is considered elder abuse. This bird needs to show more appreciation toward it's parents.
  • @Govski
    this is what you would call 'Brood parasites'. The invading chick got rid of the original chicks and took over feeding and caring.
  • Poor mother is tired of getting food for this monster. She doesn't even know that this is not her own baby, but the murderer of her babies. She is raising the murderer of her own babies without knowing this.
  • It's crazy to think that even at this age where they can hardly move or think their instincts tell them to do this
  • @ajijulali3127
    Nature does for better but I had there I would throw out cookoo bird out side , it's cruel feel watching that
  • @weesebowski8651
    Make a nest or box big enough to hold several that can’t get out!
  • God . I’ve never wanted to pluck a baby bird out of a nest more than I do now ! 😂
  • It’s kind of horrifying to watch the tiny momma bird feed that gigantic monster thinking it is its own baby
  • @ShadyOk
    I want to turn a cuckoo bird egg into an omelet.
  • @ScatteredYO
    If I ever see this, I would throw out the cuckoo on the ground and let the rightful chicks remain in the nest. This is nature's pure evil, even at birth/hatch.
  • @eileenjames9929
    the mother bird showing signs of fear of her baby imposter
  • @jmmbuthia
    Its so fascinating how that chicken gets hatched and immediately knows it needs to get rid of any other chick or egg in the nest. How does that kind of behavior get wired into DNA? Fascinating
  • It’s incredible the way they seem to know biologically that to survive they have to get rid of the other eggs /chicks
  • @fallacy3733
    I want to take a tennis racket to these things.