Georgia’s Zourabichvili: Contentious 'foreign influence' bill a copy of Russian law • FRANCE 24

Published 2024-04-17
Georgia's parliament has voted in the first reading to approve a controversial law that has sparked mass protests in the country. The bill, which would require media and non-commercial organisations to register as being under foreign influence if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, has been denounced by opponents as "the Russian law" due to similar legislation in Russia. “When the law that is used is a copy of the law that President Putin has imposed upon Russia with the success that we’ve seen: no more non-governmental organisations, no more opposition … that is not a future that the Georgian population is ready to accept,” Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili told FRANCE 24.
#Salome Zourabichvili #Georgia #Russia

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All Comments (21)
  • Did we have this kind of laws in the US? Should we call it the US law instead of Russian laws
  • @Temur818
    Georgian people choose EU! Georgian people choose equal rights for all of the minorities! Georgian people choose happy, European future! Thank you to the president Zourabichvili for her diligent work and effort for our nation, for our country, for our future!
  • @georgelashx2353
    President Salome, so proud of you for being such a brave leader!
  • @qetiq8261
    I don't want vandalism and this woman to represent Georgia. There was also a rally in support of the law, but I didn't see a video on YouTube, maybe because it was much bigger.
  • @ghtwghtw7197
    good for national security. they dont want another ukr/nuland incident
  • Thank you, Salome. The only politician in our country who does something.
  • Go Georgians, be organized, build your local production line and create more jobs and use tex money to build a strong economy and military.
  • @colinturney8046
    The Foriegn Agents Registration Act (FARA) A disclosure statute enacted in 1938 was designed to limit the influence of Foreign governments and foreign propaganda in the United States. Congress is looking to update this legalisation and strengthen it's enforcement Source Nicholas Robinson Legal advisor International center for non profit law This is what the proposed Georgian law is based
  • Its actually a copy of the US FARA law but US don't like it in other countries because it exposes US medaling
  • @tryscience
    This lady is a true leader. Her struggle should not be so difficult. I will ask point blank, are lawmakers being corrupted by Russia to support this bill?
  • @markh3376
    I'm supporting Georgia to EU is better their lifestyle will more happily. Russia law will give a hard life and no freedom... Don't allow Russia Putin are bad influence abd worse negative!!
  • @erboulat
    Georgian economy doesn't exist without Russia.
  • @mdsoulsounds
    Isn’t she the mother of France 24 "Gorgeous"Stani? True, Georgia is bullied by Russia since it invaded and still occupies south Ossatia (?).