Autism Diaries EP1 | Luahan Hati Ayah Adam - Perubahan wajib, Korban kerjaya jadi banduan dirumah

Published 2024-04-06
Selami kisah pahit getir realiti kehidupan lingkungan yang diuji dengan autism dalam siri siaran podkas terbaru THE AUTISM DIARIES. Episod sulung podkas ini menampilkan luahan rasa yang jujur dan luhur daripada Iman Wan, ayahanda kepada Adam (Adam’s Autism Family) menyingkap hakikat sebenar liku-liku cabaran yang diredahinya bersama keluarga sehingga kini. Ikutilah siarannya dan hayatilah perkongsian mendalam untuk renungan dan pengajaran kita bersama.

Autism Diaries Episode ini dibawa khas oleh Ugreat International.

All Comments (21)
  • In some western countries, the family is given a break…,,,a well versed foster parent looks after the child, they get to know the child earlier and most become comfortable with the foster family for 1 week. I hope that this type of program can be introduced in Malaysia.The need for empathy , understanding and respectfulness towards special needs individuals should be starting schools. You guys are doing a great job with Adam.
  • @ajalil9140
    Stay strong ayah n family. Sy doakan adam dan family strong
  • @elenaelle9179
    Masha Allah.. ya Allah masukkan hambaMu ini keluarga en iman sekeluarga ke syurgaMu tanpa dihisab dan diazab.. Kaun Kurniakan RedhaMu pada mereka sekeluarga..
  • Semoga allah merahmati keluarga ini dgn kekuatan kesabaran ketabahan rezeki yg barakah. Aamiin......
  • @haniida1827
    Semuga Allah merahmati, mempermudahkan dan memberi kesabaran pada keluarga adam...aamiin
  • @IAK71
    Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu untuk Adam sekeluarga Aamiin ❤
  • Ya Allah jagakan lah keluarga ini, rahmati , berilah rezeki yg byk pd mereka utk menjaga anak special itu🤲🤲🤲
  • Semoga Allah merahmati keluarga ini dgn kekuatan kesabaran dan dimurahkan rezeki yg barakah. Aamiin. Kami sentiasa mengikuti kisah Adam Autism Family ni. Doa kami sentiasa bersama.
  • @curiocity6473
    Mr IMAN u r such a strong man. U r a man father figure I look up to. Salute and keep March on
  • @supbar2007
    Daddy pergi dulu, kalau adam nak ikut lebih baik.. Only fathers who have autistic kids will understand these words..
  • "What kept me going till this day is FAITH".... and that is as in your name, IMAN. I pray that Allah will ease the journey for you and your family and reward you immensely for all your sacrifice.
  • @ocswoodlands
    @Iman - doesn't KL/Selangor have any Day Activity Centre for adults with ASD? As caregivers, we will only get older. And in the longer term, it's not realistic to expect any of the siblings to take care of him for the rest of their lives.... A DAC is of course a precursor for a residential home for him in the future when the caregivers are no longer around.... pray that God will give you strength and health to care for Adam and family for a long time to come..
  • @mossagate66
    Heartbreaking to listen to this story.😢😢😢